Saturday 9 January 2021

Paul Built a Pyramid of Achievements and Conned Many


Criminals Are Stars

It is amazing how criminals are becoming super stars across the world. Many have used the route of entertainment to establish themselves and they are having significant influence over our culture and especially the very malleable minds of the young.

Many criminals are empowered by political support, financial support, and media persons who give them exposure. Well thinking Jamaicans must be aware of what is happening in the society and understand that evil forces come clothed in well tailored designer suites, big money, and political power, which allows them to walk the corridors of power and rub shoulders with the rich and the influential.

Many persons who are well known, occupying influential positions of influence in the society have a criminal chip deeply embedded in them. It takes the decerning mind not to be fooled by the deceiving looks and the charming behaviour, to realize that these persons are not the reincarnation of Sister Theresa but of Adolf Hitler.

I recall a well-known radio personality who convinced the nation that he was a man of God and was loved by all. He was subsequently charged and convicted for the attempted murder of his girlfriend who apparently refused to dispose of the child she was bearing for him. He was a married man.

This Charming Man

A few years ago, I met a very charming man who I shall call Paul.  I learnt that he was the son of a friend of mine who I shall call John. John left the island for several years now and I was not in touch with him.

Paul his son a very charming gentleman and who had honey on his tongue, was able to entrap not just ladies but men also in his cleverly designed web of deception. There was something very mystical about him, and no one seemed to know much about his past. Paul was able build such an impressive image of himself and this propelled him up into the social hierarchy of the society.

Checks on the Internet revealed that he was an Executive Director of an organization and a graduate of the prestigious Yale University in the USA.  He was listed as: 

  •  Legal counsel for a national organization     
  •  National Mirror Committee ISO/TC, Logistical Hub Technical Committee – Bureau of Standards
  •  CARICOM Review Committee – Office of The Prime MinisterS
  •  Chief Legal Counsel – Risk Logistics Ltd
  •  Junior Associate – Simpson Thatcher & Bartlette
  • Strategic advisor to the Bank of Jamaica

Very Impressive list indeed and with this list of achievement it got him elected to head an NGO. Every now and again he got mentioned in the press and his letters to the editor got prominence on the pages of the newspapers. He became more and more popular.

Something Is Not Right!

I got word that something was not right, and I started to question the credentials of this Paul. I was under the impression that he was a lawyer, so I called him and asked him if he is a lawyer. I did not get a direct answer. He explained that he has a law degree. I then asked him if he was called to the bar in Jamaica. He stuttered a bit and the word, “No” barely escaped his mouth.

I then got other information about question relating to the expenditures at the NGO which he headed. This man had built up a pyramid of achievements which didn’t seem to exist. By this time, I discovered that he got some government agencies to support some projects that he was allegedly working on. I devised a plan and used the domino effect to deal with his lies.  I lined up all these lies and by touching one of these false claims all claims to his achievements came tumbling down.

One head of an agency thanked me for alerting him to what was happening because he could have gotten himself as head and the organization into a messy situation.  I contacted a media personality who wrote a story about Paul and asked her if she had checked out his background. She dismissed me because obviously she was entrapped by his charm. Oh yes he had a way with the ladies, and I understand that a few had children for him.

I had to trod carefully in continuing to deal with this matter because one had to be carefully of our libel laws and I got the impression that I could have been putting my life at risk. I did what I had to do and was able to knock him off his feet and stopped him in his tracks. I have not seen or heard of Paul in a long time.  I don’t know if he has left the island or he has just gone underground.

Hearing From Paul’s Father

Recently I got a call via Messenger from his father John who was now in the United States. I was anxious to relate the story to him about his son. He told me that he was married to Paul’s mother and they were now divorced. I asked him if his son Paul attended Yale University and if is he a lawyer? The silence was deafening and then he said to me that he does not believe that he even went to college.

John said to me that when he went to the United States of America and saw Paul, it was clear that Paul was living an unusual lifestyle. He had guards around him, and he was decked out in a suit and sporting sunshades. John said that he was not aware that Paul was involved in anything illegal before.

Paul starting point in Jamaica to catching others, was to use the name of John who was married to his mother to lay the foundation for his deceptive scheme and for building his reputation. John was well known in Jamaica where he worked for an established company which is known nationally.

Paul has carried down a few persons and a few organizations. He probably was a deportee from the US. He is obviously a smart fellow. I am happy that I put a stop to him albeit probably temporarily. He could be somewhere lurking and waiting on the right moment to pounce on an unsuspecting and naive Jamaican. He probably has set up base in another country.

Look Out For Con Men and Con Women

Just remember that in the world that we live there are many Pauls. It could be your best friend, head of your organization or a leader in your church. We must be always on the look out for these con men or con women – Paul or Paula!!!

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