Thursday 25 February 2021

Statement from the Medical Association of Jamaica About Ivermectin

Kingston, Jamaica: February 25, 2021: Jamaica now finds itself at a crisis point in the COVID-19 pandemic. The numbers of hospital admissions and deaths are increasing. We are currently awaiting the arrival and deployment of a COVID-19 vaccine. Our hospitals are close to full capacity.
Andrew Manning - MAJ President 

With the current situation the MAJ is recommending that any and all scientifically sound and safe measures be employed to reduce the spread of, as well as to treat COVID-19.

We call on the MOHW to incorporate the drug IVERMECTIN in the protocols for the management of COVID-19.

Ivermectin has been safely used for decades in the effective treatment of certain parasites in humans. Potent anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties have now been demonstrated against SARS CoV-2. A significant body of peer-reviewed evidence has now emerged pointing to the fact that Ivermectin may decrease the case counts and mortality rates when used as a prophylactic agent, and when used in the treatment of all stages of COVID-19. The safety profile of this drug is well demonstrated after 40 years of clinical use.

The MAJ therefore believes the Government should authorise the use of Ivermectin at the discretion of qualified physicians, for prophylaxis and early therapy to reduce hospitalization, severe disease and death. An urgent move must be made to import supplies into the country.

Note that prophylactic use of Ivermectin will not confer immunity and as such we are still calling on persons to wear masks, to use hand sanitizers and to social distance when in public spaces. We are also recommending that persons get vaccinated when the COVID-19 vaccines become available.

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