Thursday 1 April 2021

No Mek Nobady Fool Yu!

All Fools Day or Tom Fools Day?

Today is All Fools Day or in Jamaica we say Tom Fools Day. Many of us have been fooled

in the past, and when we are fooled by others we cannot help but laugh at my own stupidity.  After many years of serious research and the collection of empirical data, it was clear to me that persons are mainly fooled by politicians, by themselves, by women and by All Fools Day. In this survey I interviewed just men. For the next survey I will put the same question to the women.

The most interesting fooling which takes place is when someone is fooled by their own self. This is done by very bright persons who after believing that they can outsmart everybody, end up outsmarting their own self. Persons do complain about being fooled by politicians at election time. Yet, if as a politician tells the truth, he cannot earn the confidence of the electorate. After all we expect politicians to fool us so when a politicians starts to tell us the truth then we ask ourselves, "A who him a fool?"

What is interesting is that most men are easily fooled by women. The question is why is this so? Men are suppose to be smarter than women...right? I have no intention like other foolish people to fool you on All Fools Day because you are not foolish.

The question that I have not been unable to get a satisfactory answer to is, why women continue to fool men. Can you answer that question and please state if you are a man or a woman. 

Some persons have said that they are not supporting All Fools Day today because of the stress that Covid-19 has put us the world under. I will not  support that position because All Fools Day helps to make me laugh and I know that will ease this Covid-19 stress.

Hope that you will have a great All Foos Day after looking at the results of my research shown in the graph below:

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