Thursday 24 June 2021

Can A Politician Wear Two Hats... MP and Councilor?

Hugh Graham, MP for St. Catherine North Western
Councilor for Lluidas Vale?

George Wright, MP for Westmoreland Central
Councilor for Peter's Field Division?

There seems to be uncertainty in some quarters as to whether a councilor can also serve as a member of parliament in Jamaica.  One Mayor says while the law has been approved to prevent that from happening, the law has not yet been promulgated. A senator says the law is clear and a minister of government also agrees with him than an MP cannot be a councilor at the same time. They both say that the moment you take the oath of office to be an MP then you are no longer a councilor.

It seems to me that we need a very clear and definitive statement coming from the Director of Election about this matter.

Hugh Graham declares that he is both a councilor and an MP and he is doing both jobs but he is paid as an MP. I have not been able to hear from MP George Wright.


Marvelous Marven said...

Sounds crazy to me, Members of Parliament are barely getting that part of the job done properly much less.and then again don't the councilor have to report to the MP ? So then how that works if you're both?

Unknown said...

Sir Darby this is wrong for both Politicsl Party this need to be corrected one Person shoukd not hold two post this is wrong , wrong,

LEADTECH said...

Very Informative article! Please share more article related to Election campaign company

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