Monday 21 June 2021

Criminal A Run Fram Crime - Di Devil Laugh

Man wanted by police in Jamaica
runs away to the US. 

We hear of killings in Jamaica and oftentimes we think that the whole country is at war. This perception was made even worse recently, when someone who has been on the police radar for sometime, declared that he was in the US because there is nothing for him in Jamaica. He told the news media in the US that because of the killing in Jamaica he was seeking asylum in the United States. 

Mi laugh till mi nearly pap up. I said Pupa Jesus teck di case. This man was seeking asylum in the US because of the killing in Jamaica. It is the rest of us here in Jamaican who should be seeking asylum in the US. Dis bredda is really bright - he is now in America talking about the the crime in Jamaica and seeking asylum. A friend of mine said they should send him back to Jamaica for him to seek asylum because there is one for him off Windward Road!

I better be careful that I don't talk too loudly because in a few years time he could be given the red carpet treatment on his arrival back home.

Dem ketch dis one too.
Yu face no screw up yet!

Do you recognize any of these men?


Megatony said...

The USa have far more crime than Jamaica.him just draw bad card

Unknown said...

Is this a joke? This man create mayhem in Jamaica, then have the nerve to complain about crime and violence. Serously I don't that was what he said. Him one can't bright so. Mr Horace chang don't take them back, I'm sick and tired now. Kmt

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