Friday 11 June 2021

Drama And Excitement In Halfway Tree Court In Jamaica

I received the video shown below today, and it shows a man in court who displayed absolutely no respect for the court and its officers. It is possible that the man has a challenge but if he has no mental challenges then he should be made to to some hard work for a number of years for the state.

If persons have no respect for the organs of the state then after awhile there will be no state. We must do whatever is necessary to preserve the state because the state is not in a good state at this time.

Video of High Drama In Court Today


Unknown said...

From what i know Jamaica does not operate a kanjaroo Court so this cannot be acceptable

Unknown said...

He needs psychological help.

Marvelous Marven said...

Need not a phycological help, that's what they using to trick everyone, people just don't care anymore and respect no one

Jacqui said...

He is both a danger to himself and a danger to the Court. He should have been tazered and subdued ling time. I am wondering if he is pulling a mad stunt.

Marvelous Marven said...

understand is the man from the Hellshire beach saga trying to go viral again.

Unknown said...

He should have been stop long ago. It going on too long.where is the security.

Megatony said...

I don't think this man is mad, him want two good lick. This look like the same man from helshire beach.

I Care said...

My good God.

Dr. Marjorie Vassell - LiveSmart360 said... lack of any respect for the law or systems. Anarchy rules.

Megatony said...

This man want to good lick, him keep getting away with this behavior.

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