Saturday 26 June 2021

Indiscipline Is Jamaica's Number 1 Problem

When the state does not take charge and persons do what they feel like doing, then chaos rules and living in a situation like that stresses, out a nation. You see the problem in our schools, our churches, in business, in our parliament, in our homes and it is at crisis levels on the streets.

Can you imagine, with the level of traffic on the road today, at about 4:30 pm, and this gentleman decides to have his meal while driving. Those behind his vehicle had to wait until he finished a bite of that tasty chicken and then probably lick all ten figures.  This happened today in the heavy traffic turning from Maxfield Avenue on to Lyndhurst Road.

Dr. Lucien Jones we say that speed kills but I believe that indiscipline kills and this is made more frequent because the state probably is taking a bipolar position on this matter. Dr. Jones you are probably making as much statements to the press as the number of accidents annually!!! The problem remains the same.

Man Enjoys His Meal While Motorists Wait

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Just sis G said...

Indiscipline going to kill us out.People don't care about no body but themselves.And if the police go him .People cuss them out..

Just sis G said...

If the police Go to him the amount of people that would cuss them out.

Marvelous Marven said...

Frequent behavior this, the most common one is two bredrins side by side at a stop light or intersection having a conversation and it doesn't matter how you blow they not moving until they suit themselves.we are very indiscipline and stubborn.

Unknown said...

We tolerate these things for too long. I am happy you are doing something about it by posting his picture. If this happened in the USA and 119 was called, immediate action would be taken.

Just sis G said...

Thanks for sharing Have a bless day

Megatony said...

Thanks for sharing, I believe if we all do this, there will be a change

Unknown said...

Thank you. This is very common, another one is driving with a baby in the lap. This photograph should be forwarded to National Bakery for them to see what their drivers are doing.
Keep up the good work Mr. Darby.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Now you share it with your friends and your leaders and join the move to 'Change Jamaica'.

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