Friday 25 June 2021

We Are Poor Because Of Corruption And Waste

Charlemont  Drive in Kingston, Jamaica, was resurfaced about a week ago.  I have been advised by one of my On The Ground Reporters that after a little shower of rain in the area, the road is now back to normal! Enjoy the ride. 

Will the same contractor be contracted again to fix back the road at his own expense? Will the contractor get other government contracts?

What do you think?

Please share this blog  with your neighbours and let us fight to get roads which are properly built and maintained.


Horace Duncan said...

I've always asked the very same questions that you asked earlier.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Share this blog and let us start a move to stop it.

Horace Duncan said...

It's usually the wrong marl base topped with a half an inch asphalt layer. Where is the bureau of standards in all if this? And there is nobody supervising on behalf of the taxpayers. The contractor who gets the job usually pass the actual work to his less competent friends for a fraction of the money allocated for the work.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Where is the people in all of this who sit down and take this garbage. You then hear there is no money for healthcare!!!

Unknown said...

This is a recurring decimal. Waste all around.
The street I live on is now degraded to a dust bowl when it's dry and now a crater site of wells and ponds
Tried on several occasions to have MP and councillor attention but always get no positive words

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

You need to email me your story along with pictures to

A.Michael said...

Disgraceful NWC contractor work! The photos does not show all the damage from the little rain. There was a hole more than 5 feet deep. Since your radio comments they went to the road & fill out with marl. When the big rains come again. Lets see. Also, the roads are 3" above the man hole covers. Drivers with small cars are going to lose the front ends. NWC must insist on better work from their contractors. It seem that NWA eyes are closed under The Ministry of Works in the PM's Jamaica House Ministry. 💡

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