Friday 25 June 2021

Commendations For Dr. Ramon Arscott Continues To Come in

Dr. Ramon Arscott

Dr. Ramon Arscott A Fantastic Guest

Dr. Ramon Arscott's uncle, Paul Arscott was my college mate and he is a proud uncle of a brilliant doctor. The Arscott family is made up of some talented members and you find them in business, politics, medicine and other fields. 

Paul told me about his talented nephew who is a Rhodes Scholar. After talking to him I spoke to a friend in Miami and I mentioned Paul's nephew. My friend just kept going on and on about this young doctor telling me how good he was.

After that discussion I said I should invite him to be a guest on my show. I didn't know this Dr. Ramon so I said let me have him on the show for fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes went like two minutes. I went over the break because  I got so caught up with Dr. Ramon Arscott's presentation. He literally blew the minds of my listeners with his presentation of complex medical matters in a way which could be understood by any non-medical person. Listeners recorded the programme and it was being circulated across the country. Internationally it also made an impact.

On Wednesday June 23, he was invited back to be my guest for an hour. It was a spell bound, informative, nail biting presentation which seemed to have lasted five minutes instead of one hour. I have since received many comments from my listeners and I decided to post this comment below from a Jamaican living in Florida.

Message From Miami

Dr. Ascott's presentation on the Covid-19 virus/vaccine yesterday was absolutely amazing. His teaching technique creates a mental visual which will no doubt resonate with the masses. 

I've been in healthcare operations in Florida for more than 14 years managing many major US health insurance companies, in turn managing 9 million patients' lives across the US, who need oncology and cardiology services.

I've listened to many professors and intellects discuss covid-19 topics. None that I've heard thus far have been able to connect the dots in such a 'complete' and successful manner as Dr. Ascott has done. Absolutely Impressive!

Hoping Dr. Ascott will visit your show again soon to continue the conversation and educate us all in JA and abroad on the topic of Covid-19. Really enjoyed listening to your show as I work! 

Kevin Kirby MBA, MA, BS, RN

Subsequent Message From Kevin Kirby To Me

I'm sure isn't easy at all managing live conversations from so many individuals on so many topics. Your work is more appreciated than you might imagine. Please keep up the great work! 🙏 

Note: I welcome your comments and let me know if you would like to have Dr. Ramon Arscott back on the show. I plan to post a recording of his presentation on this blog. Remember to click the follow button at the top left hand corner of the page in order to follow my blogs.

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