Friday 4 June 2021

JLP MP George Wright Has Resigned From The JLP

Former MP
George Wright

In a Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) release this afternoon it states that Mr. George Wright, Member of Parliament for Westmoreland Central has submitted a letter of resignation to JLP General Secretary, Dr. Horace Chang, terminating his membership in the Jamaica Labour Party.

The JLP has accepted Mr. Wright's resignation and notes his stated intention to address matters in the public domain, and his continued belief in the policies and programmes of the government and the Party.

A video of was circulated nationally which showed a couple fighting. Persons suspected that it could have been the MP had he never admitted being in any physical confrontation with this female and no one was willing to make a report about any abuse. The police were therefore unable to take any action. Public pressure continued to build up and there was talk about the abuse of women. This brought significant pressure on the JLP to take action. It is clear that the party could not take any action because Mr. Wright did not admit to doing the act and the alleged female made no comment on the matter.

Public pressure continued to build with person asking him to admit or to deny the incident. The MP did neither and he has now resigned as the JLP representative for Westmoreland Central. It means therefore that a by-election will not be held for that constituency.

In the meantime pressure is building up in the PNP as controversy continues to surround the party General Secretary, Dayton Campbell.

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