I Have Been Thinking Of NIDS For A Long Time
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Vernon L. Derby |
Since then the Government headed by PM Andrew Holness, tried to implement the system but the government was taken to court over the matter by the PNP, and the chief justice ruled that the law for implementing the system was unconstitutional. My response to that is that the law and the constitution is to benefit the people. Where the law and/or the constitution stands in the way of progress then the people have a right to call for the law and the constitution to be changed.
NIDS Was Not Marketed Properly
Had the government marketed the idea to the people about the need for a National Identification System and the people bought into it, then I am sure that the people would have supported NIDS which some changes of course. Of course there would be need to change our constitution and also our laws to make this possible. We already know that the our constitution needs drastic overhauling at this time. Let us ask ourselves, how can we as a self respecting nation still owe allegiance to the Queen of the United Kingdom as our head of state. How can we still settle for a country where Prime Ministers are selected, and so are Mayors and Senators. We still continue to operate as if two cousins are running the country and one has to consult with the other. Cousin Norman and Bustamante have long gone!
First let me say that the National Identification System would simple be a more modern and unique way of registering persons who are Jamaicans and would replace the RGD. Non Jamaicans who are domiciled for the purpose of work for example, would be issued a Temporary National Identification number. Persons have said we have NIDS in the form of a voters ID and TRN. This is like trying to combine a old VW car with and a old Lada to made a modern Jaguar car. It is just not possible.
Benefits Of NIDS
The following are some of the benefits for a National Identification System which is set up properly and backed by the constitution and the law:
- This system would replace the current system of Registration of Births and Deaths. The benefit of this new system would be the additional biometric information to uniquely identify each person.
- The system would enable the linking of parents name by NIDS which would mean that the parents name would not be spelt incorrectly on the birth certificate.
- This NIDS number would be used for all government records which would make the tracking of and dealing with government far easier. This would facilitate the speedier calculations of pension benefits for example.
- NIDS would Eliminate the accidental duplication of government benefits to citizens because each person would be uniquely identified.
- Convicted persons would now have one record to track them, so it would be easier to locate habitual criminals. You could then have the system of a certain number of strikes and you are out. This would go a far way of removing habitual criminals from the society and the habitual bad drivers off our roads.
- NIDs would facilitate the issuing of tickets for most offences which would reduce the need to go to court. Tickets would be issued against a person's NIDs. Persons who have been ticked for an offence would only go to court if they are contesting the ticket issued. It means therefore that if a ticket is not paid for, then that NIDs would be flagged in the system and persons would not be able to do certain business with government until the ticket has been paid for.
- Non-nationals would not be able to get free healthcare and other state benefits since they would need to have a NIDs to get state benefits. It should be noted that all government agencies would have access to certain NIDS information. This would include, full name, date of birth, Residence and contact information.
- NIDs would ensure that only Jamaican Nationals would be able to vote in an election. Now, in order to vote you do not even have to be a Jamaican citizens. The enumerators visit your home with the scrutineers and you are registered to vote.
- The system would allow for the verification of persons who are seeking employment to ensure that they are Jamaicans, The system would also allow you to verify if someone is wanted for a criminal offence. If you have outstanding tickets, then you would not be able to enjoy certain government benefits nor enter into certain transactions with the government.
- Only living Jamaicans should be able to vote in an election and a properly maintained NIDs would allow you to clean up the electoral system to remove all dead persons.
- NIDS would also benefit the education system. NIDs would allow us to accurately keep track of the performance of our students in terms of their attendance and academic performance. All a teachers for example could absent students using their NIDS in using their phone. Good or bad behaviour could be recorded by issuing good conduct or bad conduct marks in the same telephone App. The earning of good or bad conduct points could result in special recognition or further sanctions or counselling for the student.
- All business and other transaction would use NIDs and this would ensure that persons involved in the transactions are uniquely identified
- One of the great things about NIDs would be the ability to facilitate the identification and to facilitate the location of those who break the law. If one drops a bit of paper on the road for example, the security forces would be able to uniquely identify the person using NIDs. Persons would no longer be able to give wrong names to the police and be able to get away with litering for example. Even a bicycle rider could be easily ticketed for breaking the stop sign.
- In the transportation sector for example, just showing your NIDS, would enable the police to ascertain if you own the car you are driving, you have a driver's license and also whether the car is insured or not. There would be no need to show physical documents.
- There are far more benefits than those that I have mentioned here. I must mention this very important one and that is by giving your NIDs to a government department, that department should be able to retrieve your information such as your address, date of birth, sex and your contact information. There should be no need to you to give every government entity your information again.
Confidentiality Of The Information
Many persons are worried about the confidentiality of their information. That is an important concern. It means therefore that any unauthorized access to, or use of your personal information should result in some very harsh penalties. Where anyone hacks into the NIDs system or any system connected to it, or sells the data obtained from the NIDs system or any connected system, that person should get a maximum of life sentence and have their assets seized to pay for some hefty fines if they are unable to pay.
Many of us are literally paranoid about the confidentiality of our information but we should consider the following:
- When we travel to other countries we give our finger prints freely and we allow them to scan our iris for example. Just using a credit card tells the world about us. Accessing the internet persons can track sites that we go to and the information that we send and receive on the internet especially can be seen by many.
- When we go to the hospitals, your confidential records are there for many to see.
Having a NIDS is the way of a modern world and there will be no stopping it. The longer we wait the more costly it will will be to implement and the world will be ahead of us. The day will come when countries will not longer use a physical passports and your passports and your visas will be digital. Decent law abiding citizens should have nothing to fear. It is those who love the backward system which allows them to continue with corruption and crime and who do not want to be tracked who should hate this system. That is why there is a lot of screaming about NIDs. NIDS is not a JLP orn a PNP but a system that will benefit us all and benefit our country Jamaica.
Making NIDS voluntary is a waste of time and it will a waste of tax payers money for us to spend to develop this system. Even more ridiculous is for us to set up the system to enable person to withdraw from the system when they feel like. That would amount to telling persons that now that you are registered at the RGD if you want to withdraw from the system now you can. This would mean we would have moved from a Banana Republic to the National Pappy Show Republic.
Anything which will benefit us all will not come easy. NIDS will benefit us all. Please add your comments, click on the follow button and share this blog with as many persons as possible.
Thank your very much for your support. Remember that your support can help to make the change. A change is coming.
I agree with the method of marketing that is was not properly done, this blunder has cause us to become very skeptical of even the revise package, as JAMAICANS we have this attitude of becoming disconected with anything that is issue to us by any of our ruling GOV that is suspicious, once it is even when revise it will be hard to digest by us, let us watch and see how well this revise document will be accepted and digest.