Friday 11 June 2021

There Are Caring Persons Around

Man Pays $26,000 For Blind Man's Medications!

A blind man went to the pharmacy in Papine in Kingston today to purchase medications which cost JAD26,000. This blind man definitely did not have enough amount to pay for the medications. A brother walked in and on hearing the plight of the blind man, decided to sponsor the whole bill. Good morning Israel. Someone made sure to get your contact and sent it to me. 

We must highlight those who do good. Good will follow you Israel. I intend to highlight those persons who continue to do good. If you are aware of someone who has done something outstanding to assist another person then send the story by text to (876) 816-5261.

Note: Remember to share my stories and ask your friends to subscribe to this blog. If you know persons who would like to receive notices of these blogs then text their names and email addresses to  (876) 816-5261.


Unknown said...

Need to highlight more of these. Thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

Ooh wooow 🤔🤔😳 wonderful. God continually blessings upon that man who help 🙏🙏 we need more people like this 🙌🙏

Marvelous Marven said...

This is such a nice gesture, god bless him and hope his food basket will never be empty,

Unknown said...

Great gesture
God continues to write on the heart of man.

Megatony said...

Compassion at work, someone need to tell my brothers and sisters that FAITH without works is dead. When I see your good works you don't have to tell me that you are born again.

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