Monday 14 June 2021

What Happened - June 14, 2021

Business Man Wight Killed? - Hush..Hush

I got a report about a business man Mr. Wight who has a business near to the corner of Mountain View and Old Hope Road who was found with his head bashed in. I am unable to get further information about this matter. 

Persons have contacted me and said that no one is getting any information on this murder, not even from family members. I am not even able to get Mr. Wight's first name.

If you know any relatives of Mr. Wight or if you have any information then text me at 876 816-5261

School Had Function Which Could Be In Breach of DRMA 

You might have seen the news item were a school was featured having a school function with a large gathering of students. Indications are that this could be in breach of the covid-19 regulations. If our schools do not abide by the regulations, then what do you expect from the children. This matter must be properly investigated and if the principal or any one broke the law, then penalties must flow. The school board must act!


Note that we have not heard any further information about that company in New Kingston where it is alleged there were breaches of the Disaster Risk Management Act during the preparation for a function. Reports are that music could be heard during the covid-19 curfew hours coming from the company building.

Citizens Protest in Clarendon Over Crashed Car And Dead Youngsters

You might have seen the news and videos being circulated showing citizens demonstrating in Clarendon. In the video some citizens are claiming that a car with youngers coming from a grave digging, was shot up, MP Pearnel Charles stated on radio that he did not see any gun shots markings on the car.

Many are quick to say that the police is wrong but based on what some of the protesters said, I would love answers to these questions:
  • Were there nine youngsters in the car?
  • The MP said he did not see any bullet holes in the car, Did the demonstrators see any bullet holes in the cars?
  • Did the pathologist say the youngster died from gun shot wounds?
  • Did anyone see the police firing at the car?
  • Did any of the injured persons suffer any damage from gun shot?
  • Demonstrators said all were students and children except one person. If they are students and possible under 18, were the parents aware of where these children were?
  • Are the parents aware that if there were minors in this car on the road during curfew hours, then they will need to give an account for these youngsters?

Officers you know if you did something wrong, then INDECOM will fix your business. If you did nothing wrong then give thanks for INDECOM.

I wonder if the parents of these youngsters will be prosecuted? 

More Killings And Who Cares???

Person on the scene of the
killing very distraught
(Screen shot)

A report just came from my On The Ground Reporter is that a man has been killed on Langston Road in Kingston. Later on we should get more information from the police.

Note: I am now hearing from very reliable sources that at least two person are now dead in the Mountain View area.


Megatony said...

Very helpful, thanks

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...


Unknown said...

This is a sad Jamaica. Bring back the love.

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