Wednesday 9 June 2021

What Happened Today - June 9, 2021

Jamaicans In Cayman News Again!

Report coming out of The Cayman Island is that a Prisoner Officer was caught smuggling drugs into the Northward Prison and he is from Jamaica. He was found trying to smuggle ganja into the prison. He was later subjected to a strip search and a search of his car where more ganja was found. They also found 9 cellular phones.

It is reported in a Caymanian newspaper that his live in girlfriend is also a prison officer and is the ex-niece-in-law of a government minister.  The Caymanian paper reported that the accused was a member of the Jamaica Defense Force and also the Jamaica Military Band.

This is not the first time that we have heard of Jamaicans getting in trouble in Cayman.  Click HERE to read this story of a Jamaica teacher who was grooming the boys in Cayman. He should be returning to Jamaica soon and I would not be surprised if he ends up back in a classroom. 

Carnage On Our Roads

Ms. Paula Fletcher
The carnage on our roads continues and it seems we lack the will to do what we need to do. The National Road Traffic Council needs to be properly funded in order to carry out its work.  The first thing that needs to be done is to remove the road hogs from our thoroughfares. That would be an easy task if the ticket system was working. We need a system where if you receive above a certain amount of tickets your license would be suspended for a year and possible up to five years. After that you would need to go back to driving school. In some cases, persons should have their license taken away permanently.

Ms. Paula Fletcher, the Executive Director for the Nation Road Traffic Council says that resources allocated are not enough to do the work. Ms. Fletcher said that the investment dictates the returns. She outlined that with enforcement, the traffic ticketing system, getting the new Road Traffic Act in place a lot could happen.

I mentioned to her that we need to have persons who are trained to assist injured persons at the scene of an accident. They should be equipped with proper equipment to assist in dealing with the injured in a road crash so as to minimize further injury to persons who are being taken to the hospital.

Ms. Fletcher opined that even if we were to enforce the current act things would be better on our roads. She pointed out the difficulties in  apprehending the bike riders for who breach traffic regulations. She indicated that when these riders are stopped and the police approach them they then ride off and in trying to apprehend them it has cost the life of police officers. Ms. Fletcher pointed out that in some countries, police throw something across the road to puncture the wheels of the bikes and this will prevent them from getting away.

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