Saturday 24 July 2021

Hugh Nash, Cultural Icon Dies

Hugh Nash CD, JP

Mr. Festival, Mr. JCDC (Jamaica Cultural Development Commission), the affable, charming and humble Hugh Nash CD, JP passed on this morning. Mr. Nash last served as the Chairman of the JCDC Board and he was involved in a number of other boards and projects on behalf of the government over the years.

Hugh Nash has been an outstanding persons in leading the development of culture in Jamaica and his  knowledge about the history and culture of Jamaica is just amazing. He was responsible for the development of the JCDC under the leadership of former Prime Minister of Jamaica, The Most Hon. Edward Seaga and he also served as head of the organization. The Jamaica Festival and annual Independence celebrations, the Heritage Week Festivals, Mello-Go-Roun, the Festival Queen Competition, all came from the creativity of the man. 

Mr. Nash's dream was to get the parish cultural committees working and he wanted to see the development of cultural non-governmental organizations responsible for cultural matters in each parish. He was pushing to have a places in each parish to host cultural events. As far as I know the parish cultural committees are not functioning at this time.

Mr. Nash has been involved in various organizations over the years such as the National Heritage Trust, the Mile Gully Primary and High Schools where he was the chairman for approximately 30 years. He was also Chairman of Harry Watch Primary School and also a member of the CHASE board. 

Mr. George Watson, former senior manager and commissioner at the JCDC and one who has worked with Mr. Nash, said that Mr. Nash is among the four greatest Jamaican cultural icons - Edward Seaga, Michael Manley, Professor Nettleford and Hugh Nash. Mr. Watson has been recommending that Mr. Nash be awarded the Order Of Jamaica.

I am proud to have worked with Mr. Hugh Nash while he was Chairman of the JCDC Board. When I was given the task to revitalize the Festival Song Competition after there was none in 2018, I must admit that he was a tower of strength to me. The competition made a number of firsts in 2018. Hugh had a passion for the Festival Song Competition because he wanted it to regain its position as the premier event, for the celebration of our National Independence.

He also advocated that our Independence Celebrations should be separated from our Emancipation Celebrations and therefore we should not refer to the period as Emancipendence. However, some persons still refer to the period as Emancipendence.

One thing I will always remember is when both of us were entering the Ranny Williams Entertainment Centre for the Festival Song Competition in 2018, and we did not have passes to enter. The security guard stopped us at the entrance and politely asked us for our passes. I believed that the guard was under severe pressure at the gate and therefore he did not  recognize us. Mr. Nash turn to me and said, leave him alone because he is doing his job. We just turned around and went through the back where staff members allowed us to enter. Hugh Nash, was never the man to be forcing himself to be in the limelight, never fighting for power, never fighting to be recognized because he was a humble man to the core. What a man! May his soul rest in peace.


Jamaica - Gleaner Dec. 22, 2012

JIS - May 30, 2011

Gleaner - Oct. 22, 2011


Unknown said...

Is this the season of death!!!?

Just sis G said...

Very sorry
to hear.He join the. Team of wonderful men. that has passed may his soul rest in peace.We will see him again.

Unknown said...

I am so sadden by his passing.
I had plans to pay him a visit on August 4.
You helped to make my family life a happier one. We will always cherish your memories.
Rest well my friend. May light perpetual shine on you.

Unknown said...

Mr. Nash was truly a humble soul. He was truly a resourceful gentleman. I recall him sitting with other staff members and myself at Comfort Hall All Age school as we planned our Heritage function. Gone but not forgotten RIP

Delroy Juice said...

Rest In Peace Mr Nash

Unknown said...

Mr. Nash was a person that I looked up and respected for the many years he was in Mile Gully. May his soul RIP.

Unknown said...

Mr Nash used to be an ardent 4H organizer for schools back in the days. Condolence to his family.

Unknown said...

Indeed, this is the passing of an cultural icon, especially for us in the rural areas of central Jamaica. A well known and respected person and business man from my district, Mile Gully, Manchester.

Unknown said...

Really humble, never heard of him. Good example to follow in life.

Unknown said...

He was a wonderful and helpful person. May his soul rest in peace.

Unknown said...

As a child growing up in Manchester Mike Gully he was a source of inspiration and bright light for my today career and personal development larger that life personality. As we would have called him Punash walk good.

Harry Blake said...

I'm saddened by the passing of this great icon. My sincerest prayers and condolences to his family, relatives and many friends. May his sweet soul rest in peace and light perpetually shine upon him 🙏

Unknown said...

Mr. Hugh Nash was indeed a gentleman and a stalwart in culture. Walk good

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