Friday 27 August 2021

Citizens Continue To Prevent Police Officers From Doing Their Work!!!

A number of persons in Jamaica seem to be ready to take the fight to the police when ever the police attempt to do their work. They refuse to obey the directives of the police and if the police is arresting them, they will put up a fight and resist the arrest. There is this feeling also that because someone is a woman, then the police should not use reasonable force to restrain them. 

An incident took place in May Pen recently which is shown in the video below:

Decent people in this country need to take a stand and speak up for the decent police officers who are trying to maintain law and order in our country. I am convinced that there is a plan to undermine the authority of the police so that criminals and indiscipline persons can break the law with impunity and take over our beautiful country. If we fail to stand up for our decent officers now,  then it could be too late one day!


Micspen said...

Our leadership over the years have supported the usurping of that police authority ,for better or for worse.sCheck the history 50s to the 20s is replete with the challenging of police authority.Its one of few things either that the police organization needs redefinition, our people are born genetically modified to be one indisciplined set of humans designed to breed decadent/murderous behavior or society as a whole need ideological reordering/refocussing.

Unknown said...

The penalty for resting, assaulting or obstructing the police in the lawful execution of duty, should be a severe one. I am not sure what it is on the books now

Unknown said...

* The word is, resisting

Megatony said...

Seem like our authorities are afraid to institute sanctions. This is the only guranteed way to get ppl to conform to law. Some of the worst offenders are taxi and minibus operators. The police can't talk to them. They tell the police who and where to go suck. The finds for resisting arrest needs to be made substantial if we want order in the society.

Megatony said...

I totally agree with you

Franklyn J Wallace said...

The Mental Shackles Haven't Fallen Yet!!

The most Effective way to deal with Any Volatile situation is to Utilize the Intelligence, Not Brute Force.
What would That Officer do should he come across a scene where his Mother, Sister or Daughter was the Female in Question??
He would resort to Reason.
Violence of Any Sort is Just That!! VIOLENCE!!
Let's All Refrain from Violent Behavior and Practice T.R.F.A.... TRUE RESPECT FOR ALL.
Emperor Elijah Abeid Cazembe Muata Franklyn J Wallace

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