Saturday 28 August 2021

Covid-19 Figures Not Looking Good. What Are We Doing Wrong?

The figures for the Covid-19 today, August 28, 2021, are not looking good at all. What is also not looking good, is that many persons do not seem to take this crisis seriously. Some persons who were offered assistance in terms of travelling from remote areas to vaccination centres, refused to take up the offer in the past. Now they are saying that there is no assistance for them to get vaccinated. I understand that this has been the case in Southern Trelawny and some parts of Clarendon for example.

With the increase in deaths and infections touching all families across the island, it seems now that many persons have been jolted into taking action to protect themselves.

Jamaicans are still doing the some wrong things:

  • Some organizations are not paying persons Covid-19 for sick leave so I understand that persons who could be infected with the virus, still go out to work and they could end up infecting others workers.
  • Many persons refuse to wear their masks at the work place and management in some organizations seem unable to take action. I had to speak to a few staff members at the  Shoppers Fair in Kingston yesterday, who either were not wearing their masks or were not wearing them properly. The matter was brought to the attention of the supervisor. These workers should be suspended or fired. There is one gentleman at a company who does not normally wear any mask. I understand that he now has the virus and others might have caught it also.
  • I received a report that a worker did not receive pay for the 'Covid-19 lock down  when he had to stay at home.
  • Persons are not able to sanitize frequently, because there are few public bathrooms available. It is amazing that banks especially do not provide bathrooms for their customers.
  • Many persons feel that they cannot catch Covid-19 from family members, and therefore they do not take precautions when they are around family members.
  • Persons feel that they are safe so long as they have on their masks. They do not understand that someone who is not wearing a mask can sneeze and spread the virus and then they touch that area that was contaminated when the person sneezed. 
  • Persons take off their masks to cough and to sneeze and of course they can spread the virus all over the place.
  • One pharmacist who caught the virus, did her own investigations and she came to the conclusion that she caught it at her dentist. She checked back with her dentist and discovered that a number of his clients had caught the virus. Her theory is that while he was drilling another patients tooth, the vapour produced in the enclosed area had the virus which then infected others.
  • Persons wear the masks as head or chin masks and never as face masks. The mask is of no use to someone if not used  properly.
  • Speakers at a function, take off their masks sometimes, and put it on the podium where a previous speaker had just finished speaking. The previous speaker probably left viruses all over the lectern.
  • Children do not wear masks because parents feel that children cannot get the virus.
There are many other ways  in which we are spreading the virus. One thing is certain, if the people do not comply with the Covid-19 protocols, then government will have to implement strong regulations overnight.

I would love  you to add your comments. Remember to press the Publish button after adding your comment. 


Franklyn J Wallace said...

The death Graph ran horizontally prior to inoculations. It Spiked once the Vaccination started. When will You All get Your heads out of the sand.
What if there is any Truth that the Combination of These varied vaccines are in fact having the opposite effect. Just What If. Other Nations are Thinking Differently about their prior perception.
Does it take a Child to see that the Emperor is Naked?
No One wants to be seen as Fools or Simpletons so You are All Walking around in the Nude.
The Emperor Has No Clothes On!!
You Released the Horse and Now Scramble to Lock the Gate. Fudiots!!

Unknown said...

Maybe customers at tax offices, banks and remittance agencies could be staggered based on the spelling of their name.

Tickets must be issued for breaches of the DRMA.

Company managers to be held responsible for staff non-compliance.

Text or WhatsApp line should be set up to report breaches at government offices and large companies.

Megatony said...

At some point the government will have to protect the many from the few.ppl proudly speak of their right to not comply. What about my right to not want them near me. Like it or not business will have to take the lead, no unvaccinated in their business place.

Unknown said...

What are we doing wrong? Fools are spreading false theories

Unknown said...

Mr. Darby you need to also check out what's going on in Israel

Unknown said...

This is getting serious😳🤔 and most of our people them are not taking it serious 😳 i happened to speak to some people over the weekend to take the vaccine and some said they will take it why some said they are not going to take it so 🤷 praying for our country 🙏

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