Saturday 21 August 2021

What's Happening - August 21, 2021

Pauline Knight

Pauline Knight Is Dead

Pauline Knight, wife of KD Knight former MP and Minister of government, has passed on. We wish the family all the best in their time of grief.

The rest of us must continue to pay special attention to our health and to follow all Covid-19 protocols. We must take the Covid-19 vaccine. Those with respiratory illness, diabetes, lupus, sickle cell disease for example must be very careful.

Curtis Watson

Dr. Curtis Watson

I understand from reports that well known baritone singer Curtis Watson is very ill. He is doing much better these days though. His son died recently and his wife who is also a singer is not in the best of health.

Ruddy Spencer

Ruddy Spencer

Former Member of Parliament Ruddy Spencer seems to be doing much better these days. He was also one of the leaders in the Bustamantee Industrial Trade Union.

Water Crisis Is Looming In Some Areas

Some areas are still without water and persons are concerned that Sunday to Tuesday will be lock down days. The want to know if JPS and NWC will continue to work on those days. Greater Portmore has had no water since Tuesday. Residents on University Crescent in Kingston, report that they are having voltage problems in that area. West Greater Portmore has been without water and those persons with tanks in that area, will soon deplete the water in those tanks.

Hurricane Grace has caused some damage to some of our infrastructure and this has impacted negatively on our water and electricity supply.

Greater Portmore Can Sigh With Relief

I just got a message from the NWC stating that they have resorted to getting water for Greater Portmore from another source. Electrical challenges have been causing challenges for the NWC in that area. The JPS has been advised of the power challenges. If is expected that they should get water within an hour.

Shooters Hill- Bull Bay

Residents in Shooters Hill in Bull Bay have not had any water since Monday.

Do Jamaicans Care About Covid?

Many Jamaicans don't really seem to care a bit about covid-19, while the number of persons being infected with the virus continue to rise. Indications are that if the trend continues, then thousands more will be infected and thousands will die from the deadly disease. One lady who was selling in Kingston, when asked by a television reporter about Covid-19, replied that she was not afraid of Covid-19. When asked why, she declared that she is Covid and Covid cannot be afraid of Covid.

A few party organizers with support from a Minister seemed to have lobbied hard to get the entertainment sector going. You will note that right after the Festival Song Competition in 2020 at least two of those involved in the competition, ended up with Covid-19. Having parties seems to be more important these days than controlling this disease and getting our children back into school.

Persons have complained to me that they have seen political figures hugging up persons and this is a breach of the Covid-19 protocol. Even persons in the media who are encouraging others to adhere to the protocols, are not following the protocols.

No Fraid A Covid!

It Is Not Hurricane Covid-19 😁😁😁

Note: This video was taken in Jamaica a few years ago.

The behaviour of the people in this video is despicable. I am convinced that Covid-19 is not Jamaica's number one problem but indiscipline!!! The Prime Minister and the Government must take decisive action now or else 'hell ago pop loose' and the good Lord help us!


Just sis G said...

I am so sad to hear all about all the 😥 news in my country. People do as they please no body respect no one.What happen to my people. Who can't hear will feel.

Unknown said...

Curtis Watson taught me at Mico for a semister, his wife was a classmate of mine a very good singer, I use to accompany her on the piano. Im sorry to hear of their illness. May their health improve quickly.

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