Monday 13 September 2021

New Song From Mr. Steele For AYS

Later today, September 13, 2021, at 0830, I will be At Your Service again. I will start with reading your messages and appealing for more businesses to allow the elderly and persons with special needs to have preferential access to their services between the hours of 0830 and 0930 EST each day.

I had first proposed  0900 to 1200 on Mondays, but many persons seem to prefer 0830 to 0930 EST. Our elderly and person with special needs have been having major challenges for a long time, but with the Covid-19 virus affecting the country, it has become far more challenging for these persons to do business.

Please write a letter to the head of an organization recommending that the organization implement this system. At the end of your letter, you put 

C: Vernon Derby - Consumer Advocate

Scan the letter and email the scanned copy to You can leave a copy of the letter at 6 Bradley Avenue, Kingston 10. 

Omar Azan will be my guest at 0845 and that will be followed by Immigration Mondays at 0900. Let's hear what is President Biden's next move to make facilitate DACA move to citizenship. Find out how soon you can get an interview to get your US visa and also your Canadian visa. 

Click HERE to hear Mr. Steele's song for the show. 

Note: Let me know what you think of Mr. Steels song by adding your comments to the blog.

Remember to click on the follow button on the left and follow my blog. Please share this blog with as many persons as possible. You support will help me to do even more for other Jamaicans.

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