Saturday 4 September 2021

No Vaccine, No Free Medical Care For Covid-19?

No vaccine demonstration
in Kingston, Jamaica

No Vaccine!!!

A few persons have been saying that they do not want to take the Covid-19 vaccine because they do not know what is in the vaccine. I ask myself, we buy food on the road, do we know what make up these food items? We buy things from the supermarket shelves and some of these items are not in sealed containers. Do we know what is in them? We take taxis and we don't even know who these drivers are. Do you trust them with your life? You go to your physician and he gives you prescriptions to get medications at the pharmacy. Do you trust the pharmacy to give you the right drugs and the correct amount?

The persons who demonstrated against the Covid-19 vaccine in Halfway Tree recently chanted, "No vaccine". They should have chanted, "No vaccine, we prefer to die." If would be interesting to find out what they would do when they find out that they have Covid-19! 

Shoppers Fair Supermarket Staff Wear Masks!

Today I went to Shoppers Fair Supermarket on the Washington Boulevard in Kingston ,and I must say that it was good to see that all staff members are now wearing their masks. Can you imagine they never use to wear masks and they use to leave customers exposed to the possibility of getting covid-19.  The persons who refuse to wear masks, if they should become sick from Covid-19, who would be responsible for their medical bills? Those who work in offices and refuse to wear their masks, who will be responsible if other workers get the Covid-19? Jackass sey di worl' no lebel... Ah bwoy.

US Government Requires You To Take Vaccine

The US government says that all immigrants to their country will be required to take the Covid-19 vaccine. I wonder if the same decision will be taken for visitors to the US! If visitors and immigrants will be required to take the vaccine before entering the USA, then there would be no need for Jamaica to enforce the taking of vaccine!

A Few Jamaicans Chanting In Halfway Tree, "No Vaccine"

Scott Feeken Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy speaks about the need for taking Covid-19 vaccine.

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Just sis G said...

Well said Mr Derby.

Anonymous said...

These people are crazy, they believe lies about the vaccine, I hope they see the effects of the virus B4 it to late, God help us

Unknown said...

That is unlawful gathering and the police should just go and use their loud speaker and give the order to remove. They are just following what they see some people do in other countries countries recently. Jamaicans are like that. Copy cats!!!

Unknown said...

Sir Derby this cannot be better stated,the will come when the government stopped footing the covid vaccine cost and the unvaccinated has to pay the cost and most of us waggonist cannot afford then we died

Althea Hewitt said...

I remember taking two Covid tests when the Covid came in last year and earlier this year before my valentines day online performance. Both negative. The world is given a chance to take a vaccine that can save your life even if you catch it. Yet we ignore facts and now we have more people dying again in this third wave. When will we learn?

Unknown said...

Well said Mr Derby. Don't worry we will read about them and that carzy Pastor 🙏

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