Wednesday 1 September 2021

US Embassy Official Scott Feeken On Radio

My radio programme starts at 0830 EST today Wednesday, September 1, Joining me today will be Mr. Scott Feeken Acing Deputy Chief of Mission. Listen at You can also download the Nationwide app on your cell phone to listen.

Many of you have questions to ask related to vising the USA or migrating to the USA so please tune in and call the programme if you want to speak to Mr. Feeken. This is a good opportunity to be able to speak directly to a senior person at the US Embassy in Kingston, Jamaica.

Landline Numbers to call:
630 9371
630 9372
630 9373
630 9374

Cell number:
618 8255

Cell number for texting us:
816 5261


Blog site:


Unknown said...

Thanks Mr Derby. I was listening but i didn't hear what him said about the police record 😳 something like extension 🤷 didn't get it good.

Just sis G said...

Thanks my dear very informative and I hope people take heed. And I know they will take it for they want to go to America. Keep up the good work .

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