Tuesday 31 August 2021

Better Management of Jamaica - Not More Politricks

Prime Minister - Andrew Holness
I understand that Mr. Howard Michell and others are contending something to the effect that the PM is not leading from the front.  He was referring to how the PM is handling the Covid-19 pandemic. My thinking is different. Too many of us like to see the politicians up front, in the middle and behind. This could be an indication that we are poor leaders ourselves so we are looking for politicians to do everything for us. 

We have a public sector, you have managers in that sector, and when things go wrong, we must identify those public sector members who are not pulling their weight. The challenge is that the country has become so politician centred, that some public sector leaders are therefore willing to do the bidding of the politician for fear of losing dem food rather than performing their jobs at an optimum level.

Howard Mitchell
Let us be blunt, a few of the public sector leaders should not be allowed to manage even a fowl coop. Take for example the nightmare challenges we have been having with organizing the administering of the Covid-19 vaccines, I would not blame it on the Minister of Health and Wellness, nor the health workers alone, but on the bureaucrats in the Ministry of Health and Wellness. What role are these bureaucrats playing.

The politician have also fallen for the trap of being  everywhere because I believe they are convinced that the more they are seen on camera, their  high visibility will give the impression that they are working hard and their popularity will consequently increase.

MP Dr. Mitchelle Charles

Mr. Mitchell you must be fair to the PM and all the political leaders. The feedback that I have been getting is that the politicians are on the ground assisting and that include the Prime Minister. I have been hearing from PNP and JLP political representatives that they are on the ground and this is confirmed by constituents. One MP, Dr. Mitchelle Charles has advised me that the Prime Minister will be in her constituency in St. Thomas this week.  This refutes the argument that the PM is not on the ground. Let the PM be the PM and while it is good to see the PM motivating our people at the ground, the PM has other very important functions to carry out and there should be enough of us on the ground to lead in any case.

I am convinced that persons see politicians as targets and use them as targets to boost their own image. Oh yes, criticizing high profile politicians will get you into the news. We are in a crisis and the rest of us need to get up and start to lead rather than complaining about those who are not leading. Let our politicians make good policies, make good laws, and let us develop a public sector using the technology to perform at a more optimal level.

Wi lov politricks too much!!! We talk politricks too much!!! Time for us to talk about proper management and more accountability of this beautiful country. Jamaica Land We Love.



Chayil said...

My God, people are dying, our Medical personell stretched, our PM, Health team, Dr Figueroa, other private medical staff, the PSoJ, Churches, media, well thinking Jamaicans & overseas interest groups are trying their best ( not perfect) and you mean the best contribution some people can make is to play Poli- tricks?
PM cant run Jamaica alone. He has efficient leaders who are managing their porfolios. Any one who knows PM Holness, knows he is more than willing and open to suggestions on how to improve where they fall short.
It is time to think and behave like a Jamaican not a Poli-Trick-Con.
Certainly, we are better than this, much better than this.
Come on my people let us come together and fix this.
We can do it!!!!

Unknown said...

Well said sir Derby some of them just want to b heard

Unknown said...

I agree, the PM can do so much and no more. The PM, Dr. Tufton and the CMO I don't know when they find time to sleep. They will make mistakes but we need all hands onboard. It's not easy to handle and Jamaican are very indiscipline. The Ministry of Health doing their best but the personnel are short. Those who are criticizing go HELP.

Unknown said...

What more them want the PM to do?😳 Kmt. When them don't want to take the vaccine 😳🙏

Unknown said...

Well said, just seeking attention!! From day one the pm is leading and begging us to follow protocol, the pm took is vaccination and took is two sons for their vaccination, do you thing my Pm!! God bless you family and your team!! 🙏🙏🙏🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲❤️❤️❤️

Anonymous said...

This relevant question, then, need to be asked, where are these complainers leading from? They are neither leaders nor followers, they are just destructive watchers, always complaining and doing nothing constructive..

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