Friday 3 September 2021

What's Happening - September 3, 2021

Getting Oxygen For Covid-19 Patients - Vernon Derby

Minister Christopher Tufton
I have not seen the orignal statement attributed to IGL about the company waiting on the government to give them a forecast of the governments future needs for oxygen. However, I really do not believe that IGL could have made that statement because it just does not make sense. Businesses do their own market research to ascertain the expected demand for their products. IGL should be aware of the figures in terms of the amount of persons who are coming down with the virus. They should also know that the demand is high internationally for oxygen and therefore they should have done their own estimation of future demand and plan for such a demand.

The question is, can the government import the oxygen directly? 

More readings:

Delta Covid-19 Strain?

A very reliable source has informed me that the the Management of the Mandeville  hospital sent out a message this morning saying that the Covid-19 Delta variant appears to be spreading rapidly through the refueling gas pump, It seems that this matter has to be investigated and studies need to be done to ascertain how and why the virus is spreading rapidly. We already know some of the reasons for the spreading of the virus.

Captain Joe Speaks

Captain Lawrence who flew for Air Jamaica and also Saudia Airlines, gives his view on a number of things in Jamaica. Listen to his voice note below:

Lawd All now mi Nuh see fi mi school inna di Top Ten By Michael Spence

This will be the lament of many who read this. There are 161 High schools in Jamaica and to get into the top schools the student must score in excess of 80% in GSAT/PEP exams.The top ten schools however are, not necessarily the best because one has to consider that the "top ten" in most cases result from a sifting, straining of the Jamaican society. The result is symptomatic of an orchestrated Domestic socioeconomic class "Brain Drain". 

Campion College is the epitome of that phenomenon. At the other end of the country  you have a Cornwall College or a Mannings, York Castle these schools "Nuh partial" they take in the rich, poor, hungry, malnourished, bush people, ghetto youths, the good, the bad and the ugly. The Kingston Colleges, Wolmers, Camperdown, Montego Bay High Excelsior. These schools have contributed in a massive way to the upward socioeconomic mobility in a massive way to Jamaica. They have in a way strengthened the emancipation and independence of our people in a deep rooted way also putting Jamaica on the world recognition map. Most of the top ten and some others have on a  whole been making significant contributions to national growth and development have done an equally good job in maintaining the status quo and class structures inherited from the plantation.

These schools are no fluke they are better funded, better equipped and supported by wealthy parents, alumni and even government officials who underfund and underequip those outside of the top ten.

Many schools called High Schools are no more than fanciful thought and perhaps little better than  primary schools.

Solution is to aim to have those outside of the top ten where many times "money talks and bull - - it walks" brought up to those levels of interest, organization, competence and holistic educational infrastructure.

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