Thursday 2 September 2021

Harbour View Residents Have Traffic and Water Challenges - MP Is Assisting Them To Get Vaccine

MP Juliet Holness

Residents in Harbour View are very concerned about the state of the traffic in the area. Residents complain that they are unable to enter or leave their homes due to the heavy traffice in the area.

Residents are also concern about the irregular supply of water in the area. 

Another person contacting me and said that there was no Covid-19 vaccine taking place in the area. A check with MP Juliet Holness revealed that this was not so. The MP sent me a poster which showed me where vaccination was taking place.

Resident Roy Rayon commented about the water situation in Harbour View and also the role of the National Water Commission:

Voice of Roy Rayon

Videos Showing Traffic In Harbour View 

1 comment:

Protect d assets said...

Same challenges faced by residents in several communities across Jamaica.

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