Sunday 5 September 2021

What's Happenng - September 5, 2021

Councilor Vernon McLeod
Havendale Division

Red Hills Road Area For Covid-19 Vaccine

Councilor Vernon McLeod who represents the Havendale Division, has sent me information stating that The Ministry of Health informed him that health officials will be at St Richards Church Hall on Red Hills Road on Wednesday, September 8. administering Covid-19 vaccinations.

Residents Complain Of Mosquito Infestations

Hon. Delroy Chuck MP
St. Andrew Northeast
The mosquitos have started to breed all over Jamaica in the aftermath of the heavy rains. Residents of St. Andrew North East have been bombarding their MP Delroy Chuck to assist them in dealing with the mosquito infestation. The MP says that the Ministry of heath is aware of the challenge.

Residents of Kings House Avenue are having major problems with the mosquitos and they have complained to the MP and their councilor. Both the MP and the Councilor are in dialogue with the residents.

A Corona Song

I just got this lovely Covid-19 song. I know some persons will will find it controversial but it is worth listening to. I also got a song which an artiste from Manchester did for me. Seel the links below:

  • Click HERE to lister Corona A Spread
  • Click HERE to listen to a song that Mr. Steele did for At Your Servvice (AYS) show me. He is a very talented artist.

PriceMart Link Could Be Fake

If you get this on WhatsApp, I would not click on the link because this link seems suspicious. I am not aware of PriceMart sending out a questionnaire to its customers.

Lawrence Tavern Division

Councilor John Myers
Councilor John Myers says that he is having major road challenges in his division. Whenever it rains the roads in that area get damaged due to land slippage. It seems that our engineers have to take a look at that area and make a decision as to whether or not it is wise for persons to continue to build in that area. 

Councilor Myers has assured me that he will be continuing his lobby efforts to get the roads in that area fixed. Councilors Myers says the people living in Peat Hill in his division has a challenge because the road is broken.

The following are some pictures taken of the area:


Unknown said...

Oh lord help your people's as they have to travel and these roads 😳😳🙏

Unknown said...

Since 2016 the residents of Kings House Avenue, through their citizens association, have pleaded with the councilor, MP and Health Ministry for assistance with the recurring mosquito infestation.
In addition to meeting with the councillor and a senior Health Ministry official, the MP and city engineer have participated in site visits to see the problem first-hand.
However, in spite of these advocacy measures and continually reminding our political representatives about the problem, nothing has been done the remedy the situation.

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