Monday 18 October 2021

Big Security Operations In Montego Bay - Church

I just heard from one of my On The Ground Reporters that the police and soldiers are carrying out an operation in the Paradise area in St. James. Word on the ground is that there are churches in the area which many see as encouraging cultism in the country. The police have been monitoring these churches our sources say.

I have been told that the church that was raided is on the road leading to Paradise Acres. Someone from St. James informed me that about 2000 EST on Sunday October 17,  gunmen went to this newly built church in the Paradise area to see the leader. An argument developed and the pastor pulled his firearm and shots rang out. Persons have said that at least one person has been killed but this is unconfirmed. 

During the operations many police officers and military officers were in the area, There were army tanks and other police vehicles  the citizens said. I am trying to confirm with the police whether one or more person were killed.

More Readings:

Not the first time police raid a cult in Montego Bay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a mix up!!!! Pastor and gunman in discussion, I wonder about what. Man, I feel like bombing a church now that I know that the preacher might be mixed up..

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