Sunday 17 October 2021

Prof. Earl Taylor Replies To Prof Errol Morrison

Prof. Earl Taylor

Prof The Hon Dr Errol Morrison, OJ, MD, PhD

Former Director General

The National Commission on Science & Technology &

Science and Technology Advisor to the Jamaican Prime Minister

Prof. Errol Morrison
Dear Errol,

I just want to say thank you for adding your voice on behalf of Science.  Somewhat delayed but still in time. Your letter is bold, simple but conveys a solid advice.  Science should never be used when it's convenient and discarded when it’s not, nor invoked only when we need to give policy some credibility.  Our  Scientists should consider first their obligation to their gift and profession over the urge or  need to beneficiate from its commerce at the expense of human lives and livelihoods.  This decision is a delicate one that requires a calculus that balances unadulterated science and unadulterated policies, not one or the other, or one over the other. I hope those with the handle are looking and listening and will develop the courage to do the right thing in the interest and benefit of all of us.

Prof Earle Taylor, PE, CD. PhD, DBA

Chancellor, Caribbean School of Medical Sciences, Jamaica

Former Chairman, Scientific Research Council & The Food Research Institute


Other Reading:

Prof. Errol Morrison article on Covid-19

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