Friday 22 October 2021

What's Happening, October 22, 2021

Colin Powell

Colin Luther Powell  who was born on April 5, 1937 and died on October 18, 2021) was an American diplomat, and four-star general who served as the first black United States secretary of state from 2001 to 2005. He served as the 16th United States national security advisor from 1987 to 1989 and as the 12th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1989 to 1993.

His parents were Jamaicans.

Below Bishop Dr. Herro Blair shares these treasured pictures of himself with this outstanding son of Jamaican parents.

Time To Change Persons Responsible For The National Awards

I continue to get complaints about persons who have received National Awards over the years. Some persons have gone as far as saying that they should change the person or persons responsible for the awards.

A few years ago I objected to Grace Jones being awarded the OJ. I objected because I believe that the award should not only be about personal achievements, but also about the outstanding character and integrity of the awardee. Person who get such awards should be persons who the people of this country can emulate.

Person have said to me also that Elaine Thompson-Herah should not get an award nor be given a diplomatic passport. I have received reports of Elaine's relationship with the MVP club at UTech and there are many question marks. There are concerns also about the breaking news of her leaving the MVP club. She denied the story and then she ends up leaving the club. The question being asking is, "Was she truthful when she was asked about leaving the club and she said it was rumours?

Understanding Your JPSCo Metre

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