Sunday 31 October 2021

What's Happening, October 31, Update

Controversy at JCDC

Sydney Bartley
Staff members of the Jamaica Cultural Develop Commission are in a state of shock after hearing about the possible appointment of Mr. Sydney Bartley as Executive Director of the agency. This was published in the Jamaica Gleaner today. I got a few messages from staff members who declared that if Mr. Bartley will be the new Head, then the level of respect for a post like that might not be forth-coming from staff members. Some staff members still contend that former Interim Executive Director Daffodill Thompson should have been appointed to the position.

The new head will take up an organization which might have a number of questions to  respond to from the  Auditor General and also the Integrity Commission.

Calls for Juliet Holness to be Appointed as Minister

Many Jamaicans are seeing The Most Hon. Juliet Holness as the next Prime Minister of Jamaica. Persons have said to me that PM Holness should only do two terms and then the party should elect Juliet as the next leader. Her supporters are asking that she be appointed as a Minister now.

Her constituents are pleased with her efforts to improve the roads in the constituency which are in a deplorable condition. Reports are that she is doing a great job with the farmers by introducing crops to them like strawberries for example. There are those who feel that she should stick with her constituency and build the constituency some more.



Unknown said...

I share the comments about Juliet Holness to be the next Prime Minister. It's just a few days ago when that thought came to my mind and I even suggested it to someone
I see her as a strong and capable to hold that office or any other office.

Unknown said...

#1 My opinion she should appointed diputy prime minister to replace Hon.Horrace Chang,the next point Sydney Bartley must not appointed to a top post by culture minister Olivia Bobsy Grange cote,uncote Jamaicans are aware of certain allegations about Bartley,which will punched more holes in the ministry

Unknown said...

Juliet Holiness for the JLP leader, then she needs to win an election to become prime minister.

Unknown said...

Sydney Bartley is someone I know and I support him whatever field he is appointment. The staff members have no say in this. If anyone feels uncomfortable in a job, then they may seek another.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

She won a seat and is a member of parliament.

Blakeandrew said...

The Hon. Mrs. Holness to be appointed as Minister and suggestions of being the next Prime Minister of Jamaica, on what grounds are these being made? Being married to a Prime Minister is not the same as sitting in the chair.

This is no longer about likability, we saw where that had us some years ago, lets consider what we do before we do it. Lets see how she is as MP'then we can think of additional duties.

Blakeandrew said...

Good day' why should Mrs. Holness be appointed diputy PM?

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