Tuesday 2 November 2021

Vybz Kartel Backers Should Resign Now!

Howard Mitchell
Those who promoted the idea for Vybz Kartel to be used in a promotional campaign to get persons to take the Covid-19 vaccine should resign from all Government posts and any other leadership positions they hold in this country. It is unbelievable that any official connected to the government could have even considered using a convicted murderer in a vaccination campaign.  It is even amazing that they have not been asked to pack their bags and go.

I would love to hear from the Chairman of the National Health Fund if he had recommended that Vybz Kartel should be used in the Covid-19 vaccine Campaign. If you did Mr. Mitchell, then the honourable thing for you to do is to resign as Chairman of the National Health Fund with immediate effect.

Jamaica needs a clean out of some of the leaders in the public sector and also in the private sector. The type and quality leaders we have in the private and the public sector, give an indication as to whether we will head in the right direction or not. We cannot plant corn and expect to reap peas, and a number of our leaders fit into the corn category.

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Unknown said...

This man is sick mad head no good if he think that he should pack his bags and get out go and see a doctor.

Anonymous said...

Vernon..I hold my hat up to you..you are so on point..a proper cleansing is needed..sweep dem out and on the list of MUST GO. I would recommend Babsy Grange..seriously. I need a whole space to detail my reasons. she needs to go now..

Rosina Christina Moder said...

Thank you dear Vernon for putting the highlights on these unbearable situations that musicians who are the worse of the crop are being held up high, and those who are giving their all, get little or no help, - like a Frankie Campbell who is borrowing money to pay the insurance for the musicians, most of them without work, in his JAAVA organization!!!

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