Thursday, 25 November 2021

What's Happening, November 24, 2021

Gunmen Strike Again In Ackee Walk

Once again there was a drive by shooting on Fairdene Avenue in Kingston, November 24, 2021, at about 0800 EST. It seems as if the criminals are now running things all over the country.  A barrage of gunshots were heard in the Ackee Walk area, breaking the eerie silence in the area which is very tense these days. You cannot find even a dog walking the streets in that area because the people are living in fear. One can just imagine the psychological impact the violence is having on the children.

Ackee Walk is in the constituency of Dr. Nigel Clarke.  Recently gunmen killed two persons at a gas station close by and also a man was killed in Ackee Walk. We might ask, "When will this all end?". 

I say, "It will end when the people have had enough". They seem to be able to take a lot more!

Kirk Wright, Tell Us The Right Story!

Can someone tell us what happened to Kirk Wright the TVJ reporter, who it was alleged that he was stabbed multiply times? It is reported that Mr. Wright said that 99% of what was said on social media about the incident was not true. Mr. Wright you need to tell us the truth and nothing but the truth. The man got injured and he drove himself to the hospital! There were no family members to take him to the hospital? Suppose he had succumbed to his wounds while driving? Did he put other persons life at risk while driving? Has the police arrested anyone? The silence is deafening in this another Wright case.

Some are saying that something is not right in this case of another Wright. Many are speculating that it was a case of spousal abuse. The last time there was a video of what looked like a spousal abuse, there was no need to say, "Show the tape". No one was willing to make a police report, and although many would love to write about the Wright case, all is now dead. There was a major furor in this society about this George Wright case, because many declared that Mr. Wright should say what happened. 

We know that no man can be forced to testify against himself  and there was no complainant so there was no case. These stories combined could be another award winning story for you Kirk. Will you write the Wrights story? 

It is strange that here comes another Wright story but this time the country is silent. Is this a case of a woman abusing a man? Is this another case of no plaintiff and no defendant. Will the whole country take up this case as it did for the first Wright's case. Something is Wrong here...very Wrong and who will Right the Wrong. Well, this is simple another Wright case which has gone Wrong and it has no political value so the talk shows are not interested.

The speculations continue about Mr. George Wright and his lady. When will we hear the right story about the Wrights incident - George or Kirk Wright.

These stories may never be told and therefore the people will continue to speculate and the perpetrators of what is wrong will continue to believe that they are right.

Jackass sey di worl' no level. Yu know what, leave those stories alone, because these stories will never end in this country. 

Next story!!!

Other Readings:


  1. I am in the dark I don't understand what is going on here

    1. Read the articles under Additional Readings.

    2. These media personnel quick to publish people story but their must sweep under the carpet..smh.

  2. One could say these are the Wrights personal family businesses and as such they have a right to do what they please.Furore or not they have a right to write about it or not ,talk about it or report it.
    As public figures though, does that bring forward things such as integrity,morality and ethics?

  3. Personal and not maybe not free to share...
    Pray there are no repeat episodes

  4. My sentiments, when the ppl have had enough. They will act, remember new york. Even little old ladies took part in the clean up of their city.
    Its not hurting them enough yet

  5. We have been fed a steady diet of crime from way back, our culture and crime runs so close to the extent where in be in primary school or high kids celibrate victory whether in track n field or any other sports by the verbal sounds of gun shot, every new years ever we can rest assured where ever we reside the the sound of gun shot will welcome the new year, not prayers not having a quite family time in reflection, no gun shot, may seems insignificant but what we sow we shall surely reap.

  6. It is Kirk's personal business. If him don't want to share it, so be it. Not interested.

    1. If the gentleman was stabbed up then it is not a personal thing. It is a crime. Failure to report a crime like this should also be a crime. The medical persons at the hospital has a responsibility to make a report. Medical care costs tax payers so person should not have the freedom to hurt others and the victim gets free Healthcare without a report being made. Next time one might be killed so I wonder if we will call it a personal matter and leave it alone!!!


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