Friday, 24 December 2021

Crime - A Call For Action Now For The New Year!!!

Jamaica House

Tonight is Christmas eve, but can we really say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in Jamaica, when the criminals have no intention to allow us to have neither a Merry Christmas nor a Happy New Year? Over 1400 persons have been murdered so far this year. We cannot continue like this. (See police statistics.)

The PM has to act now or else we are doomed for another year of Covid-19 and murders in 2022. Corruption leads to crime and we still have leaders who are corrupt seated at the table.

Mr. Prime Minister Jamaicans want a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Time for you and the Leader of the Opposition to get rid of those leaders who we cannot trust.

Corruption breeds crime, and crime is preventing us from having a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Time for some of these leaders who are corrupt and incompetent, to pack their bags and go. Their departure will allow us to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.

Listen to my commentary which was done on CVM on December 23, 2021.


All The Best to you and Your Family and let us pray and work for a better 2022.


  1. Real talk the government need to do something to stem the blood letting in our precious Island smh.

    1. What does anyone propose,another crime plan which actually grows the crime that the World Bank says costs Jamaica 5% of GDP.If you however look at the industry as a whole both the legitimate and the illigitimate the figure is higher than or equal to a critically important industry thatbof Agriculture at about 7-8%.With the recent attacks and killings of farmers Jamaica's food security is being threatened as praedial larceny surges with murderous violence.
      The fact that crime cannot be tackled from singular angles a more holistic approach has to be taken.Its almost like criminals call the shots.
      No more Crime plans but Anti Crime strategies to deal with that pandemic C-21.

  2. Yes, all corrupt politicians must go home. Some of the agencies are filled with corrupt people, I am speaking from experience. Some people are on 8-10 Boards, for what reason I don't know while other good outstanding citizens can do better but are not friends of politicians.

  3. Remember that the politicians are coming from the same Jamaican population. They were not imported so how do we know who is corrupt or not before they enter politics. A lot of Jamaicans are just corrupt whether in public or private sector so we don't know who is who. It's sad

    1. Very good point. Corruption is endemic in the culture.

    2. The solution is continued systematic changes that limit opportunity for corrupt behaviour in the tradition of total quality management. It cannot be just "blame x person", "fire x person" - if it happened the system allowed it to happen and must be improved.

    3. The reason some ppp are on so many boards is strictly financial. Check out how much money directors are paid just for attending board meetings!

  4. I continue to be shocked and disgusted at the PM's silence.

  5. It is unfortunate that this current PM who came to power using terms such as the youngest who was born after independence now continuing on the same path as his seniors, "when will all this blood letting end," it seems like total destruction is the only solution", no wonder the bible says "put not your confidence in man", our politics is now bankrupt a new path must be chartered very soon or else" heaven help us all".

  6. The solution is continual System changes that limit opportunity for corrupt behaviour - the Total Quality Management approach. It cannot be just "blame x person", "fire x person" - if it happened the system allowed it to happen and must be improved upon. All public servants and representatives must be trained in this Approach; however we all share responsibility as citizens to stay engaged in the process and ensure accountability.

  7. These people or should I say criminals do not give us a break....


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