Saturday 1 January 2022

When Last Have You Visited A Church? You Could Find Another Jamaica There!

This afternoon, Saturday, January 1, 2022, the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) church had its Installation of Officers for a number of churches. The churches involved were Spring Village, McCooks, Church Pen and Bushy Park SDA churches,  This event took place at the Bushy Park SDA Church which is near to Old Harbour. Officiating Ministers were Pastors Delroy Bicknell, Andre Lewis and Howard Grant.

Many Jamaicans who have not visited a church in a long time, would be impressed to see how well organized the church leaders were in dealing with the Covid-19 protocols. Jamaicans who have not seen fellow Jamaicans function in a disciplined and orderly fashion, need to visit one of these churches. No...I am not referring to a church run by the likes of the now deceased Kevin Smith. ...and no the US Embassy is not a church.

 As I approached the church, I was escorted to the sanitation area where my temperature was taken and my hands sanitized. During the service, congregants were served with a bottle of water each and their hands were again sanitized. I noted that when each microphone was used it was sanitized and the podium itself was also sanitized after each speaker addressed the congregation.

The church has embraced modern technology in getting the word of the Lord out to the people. The service was broadcasted on the Internet via various social media channels. Members of the church who had to sit outside could view the service from their phones.

While seated among the congregation, I said to myself that the church probably could have been more convincing if they had led the nation in how to follow the Covid-19 protocols. The doctors also would have been more convincing than our political leaders in getting the people to take the vaccine.

Our political leaders need to understand that the nation is very skeptical and mistrusting of political leaders  for a long time now. I never for one moment believed that the campaign by the political leaders for people to take the vaccine would have been successful. Who would trust political leader when they not only abuse  and vilify persons in other parties but they do the same to their own party members. Remember now, if dawg no trus dawg, den a goat yu expect fi trus dawg? As fofool as we think goat is, goat no so fofool.

Many of us see the SDA Church with members who worship on a Saturday. but I must tell you that they seem to have all the singers in the country. When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, they preach it and they live it.

I would recommend that you visit some of our churches and you will definitely  see a different Jamaica. I believe that if we have more churches like the Bushy Park SDA Church in charge of our schools we would see far more discipline within our schools. The church certainly needs to have more influence over the society especially when it comes to socializing our young people.

Did you say AMEN!!!

Note: My radio programme and blog supporter Joan Thomas, was installed as an officer at the Bushy Park SDA.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds admirable!

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