Thursday 3 February 2022

Dr. Michelle Charles Responds To Report Concerning Her Profession as a Dentist

Dr. Michelle Charles has sent out the following statement in response to a report in the Daily Gleaner dated January 30, 2022:

While I was working in my constituency on Thursday Jan. 27. 2022, launching free WiFi in Duckinfield St. Thomas. I received a WhatsApp message from a journalist from The Gleaner Company. He was inquiring of me about an allegation made by complainant SB to the Florida Department Of Health. This was my first time hearing of any such administrative complaint. I do deeply regret any role I have played in not being able to satisfy any of my dental patients needs due to being out of the country. However, all claims being made in this case are substantially false and will be addressed by my attorney. 

The other three claims made mention to in the article have already been disputed and dropped and were all simple administrative errors that were easily and quickly amended by myself and my team in Florida. I have never ever been investigated for fraud and I am utterly appalled by The Gleaner’s distasteful publication and lack of honest journalism. While they did provide factual information they opted to withhold that these claims were always resolved amicably. As for the matter of my Florida dental office, it has been closed since August 2020 and my patients were all notified. Just as required by law patient’s were advised that their records are available and accessible to them for as far back as 20 years. To all my supporters and well wishers I would like to reassure you that though I have no plans to practice dentistry in Florida anymore, I  remain a dentist of good standing. 

I am in fact also fully licensed and certified by the Dental Council of Jamaica to practice as a dental surgeon from 1996, a profession which I love wholeheartedly.

Dr. Michelle Charles - Dental Surgeon

Jamaica Gleaner article published January 30, 2022, about Miss Charles:

Part 1

Part 2


Unknown said...

The Gleaner is not a reliable paper any more. They don't check the facts before they publish.

CaroSparrowJA said...

The Gleaner is no longer reputable. They seem to have lost any professional editorial leadership. Its very sad

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I would dear to say that many main-stream not all have become slaves to the highest bidder, this covid plandemic has expose same,never in jamaica have i witness all media houses carrying the same tag-line never.

Joe said...

You should come to the US and clear this ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Her yelp reviews as a dentist in florida wonder sje wont come back here. Well she does say the gleaner published factual information about the cases claims broght against her. When theyvalledit was her duty to let them know 3 of these were resolved.

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