Wednesday 2 February 2022

JPS Contractor Electrocuted!


In a release issued by JPS this afternoon from Audrey Williams, Media and Public Relations Manager, the release states that a contractor, Ainsley Scott, employed to M&O Traders, one of JPS’ Emergency Response contractors, was today injured while responding to a customer issue, in the Trench Town area of Downtown Kingston.


The release went on to say that details at this point are still sketchy, but the JPS personnel understand that during the exercise, Scott was injured and taken to the Kingston Public Hospital.


JPS is investigating the matter and the company will be able to supply more details as these become available. 

People observe as the electrocuted man is being removed from the JPS Pole.

Editor's Note: I have been bombarded with questions about the man being electrocuted when he is still alive. Electrocute does not mean that you have died. It means that you have been injured or killed by electricity. Thanks for all the responses and please free to point out errors when you see them. We are working together :)



Anonymous said...

pls read ur explanation about electrocuted again pls

Unknown said...

I did believe when they said you are electrocuted you are dead but you never too old to learn.

Unknown said...

Very sorry for this man who was electricuted. I'm glad that he is still alive though and pray for his speedy recovery

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Your comment is not clear.

Micspen said...

You are absolutely correct the contractor was shocked not electrocuted because he is alive.
The conventional use of the word electrocuted means the person is dead after being shocked.

Unknown said...

Electrocuted means to be killed or severely injured by electric in fact he was electrocuted

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