Saturday 12 February 2022

Time To Get The Date Right

Do you see anything wrong with this TV advertisement?

Persons are now watching and listening to our Jamaican media houses from across the world. I think that it would be a good idea to start using the 24 hour clock and and to also indicate the time zone. We would therefore say 1300 EST rather than saying 1 pm. Let me know what you think.



Willo said...

They should have omitted the "TH" why don't we adopt the international standard for writing dates e.g. Sunday 2022-02-13?

Unknown said...

I don't think so. They should work it out for themselves. When I am going to watch the Olympics, I know that China is 13 hours ahead.

Unknown said...

Willo you are correct. It's 24th Feb or Feb 24 and 1300 hr is supposed to be military time

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

You work it out because you know the time zone that China is in or you know how many hours ahead.

Unknown said...

I will stick with 1pm , what if my meeting starts at 1.17pm what do I say and wouldn't be a toungtwister ,? Just thinking

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

1:17 pm will be simple 1317. No need to worry if it is am or pm.

Marvelous Marven said...

Mr D you're a scholar,you know and understand these things, unlike some of us, we would have to learn it.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Careful how you put me up too high because the higher you put me the greater the fall will be :)

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