Saturday 12 March 2022

Statement From Former Minister Robert Montague on Integrity Commission Report


Former Minister
Robert Montague

March 10, 2022

"I take note of the report tabled by the Integrity Commission in the House of Representatives concerning my then fulfilment of my statutory duty to assess and make a decision on the issuance of gun licenses to a range of people who appealed having been initially denied.

The report is grossly misrepresentative and incomplete. It is unfortunate that prior to the tabling of the report, despite a suggestion made to me that I'd be given the courtesy, I was not fully given the opportunity to respond to that which the commission sought to assert as "facts".

Every Jamaican citizen regardless of their station or status in society deserves to be afforded the full courtesy of natural justice.  Every citizen has a right to be heard or to respond to accusations. This due process was not fully afforded to me.

The report also fails to take into consideration that all my actions concerning the referenced issue were informed and guided  by the  recommendation of a panel of experts which I had tasked with assisting in assessing appeals made to me in my capacity as Minister of Security.

Despite the fact that the Integrity Commission report contained no adverse legal recommendations concerning me because I carried out my statutory function, I have referred the report to my lawyers for further review. "



Unknown said...

Jamaica can never better with people like this man at the top. FATHER GOD HELP US TO CLEAN UP WE COUNTRY!

Unknown said...

I am very curious as to what Boby Monteque is saying here. Is he saying that the report is factually wrong? If so what are the facts and the supporting evidence? The parts.of the report that I read are very persuasive. Monteque must provide more than a bland statement to attain any credibility

Unknown said...

Oh how hath the mighty fallen!!!🙄😱

Unknown said...

He is like salt inna every ting

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