Monday 18 April 2022

Decline In Standards - Poem by Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie

Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie

Decline In Standards

Jesus is alive ...

He cannot always adopt to our vibe ...

He will on adoption may have to correctively  modify ...

So we can qualify ...

Qualify to enter in to His Paradise ...

The ultimate prize ...

A place of pride ...

To be by thy Saviour's side ...

This does not necessarily mean watering down any gain ...

To standards which may cause pain ...

But instead raising standards to a higher plain ....  

As we know certain trajectory can lead to stain ...

For example pants below waist ...

Exposing rear in too many a case ...

Guilty, is some of our males,  in this case ...

Conduct & fashion in poor taste ...

Also our female folk exposing too much skin ...

Which too many view as no big thing ....

Too many trying to debase ....

Which is in extremely lacking in grace ...

Certain changes are debatable ...

But not those which are degradable ...

Only those of acceptable for posterity ...

To enhance and leave an enviable legacy ...

Not the change in standards that do not uplift ...

Hopefully you have gotten my drift ...

Alas!  It is not my mission ...

To cause undue division ...

Instead to make sure my vision ...

Is on a sound and acceptable mission ...

To enhance God's Creation ...


By Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie, poet.

Note: Hopeton is a freelance  journalist who has worked for media houses in Jamaica and Canada.


Empress Leona said...

Lovely poem.

Unknown said...

On point, its also sad that mosts of todays leaders themselves have no standard whether in our churches or politicians.

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