Monday 18 April 2022

Head of John The Baptist - Poem by Ken Grant

Ken Grant


The head of John the Baptist


Herod Antipas asked the girl to dance

She had her price,

To see her shake those hips

To him it was priceless

Anything you want,

The deal was sealed

Your word is your bond.


Be careful

Of the promises made

On your journey to Blue mountain peak,

When the blood rushes

And the heart races,

You getting all worked up

Excited and all.


For as the blood flow recedes,

The blood pressure returns

To normal

Heart beat slows down,

You may regret the offer given

Missile already launched,

And an innocent life is lost.


Kenneth Grant ©

Note: Mr. Grant is a Chartered Accountant who has received a number of medals for his entries in the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission's literary competitions.


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