Tuesday 19 April 2022

Kiwanis Club of Eastern St. Andrew - Another Great Service Organization in Jamaica

The Kiwanis Club of Eastern St Andrew, is one of the many Kiwanis Clubs across Jamaica that focuses on giving service to our communities. It is an all female club. 

Whereas Easter is generally the time when persons take time off to go to the North Coast or to some holiday resort with their families, the ladies of this Kiwanis club have been spending the last few Easter Mondays on the roads of Kingston, giving out bun and cheese and water to persons who may have come upon hard times, or have mental challenges. This is one of the ways Jamaicans in this service club have chosen to give back to the needy persons of our society.

The project was a joint venture between the club and Suretime Emergency Medical Services.  Approximately one hundred persons benefitted from this project.

Members of the club prepared the bun and cheese, and then went on the streets at about 9:00 am to distribute these goodies. Their journey started from Papine, to Cross Roads and then to Downtown Kingston. In addition to bun and cheese and water, persons in need were also provided with a breakfast of salted fish and ackee.

This blog is proud to highlight those who continue to do good to others and I encourage all my supporters to give their support to the Kiwanis Clubs and all those who help others in the society.

Pictures of Kiwanians Providing Assistance to Street Persons



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hats off to these people very good help the weak if you are strong 🙏

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