Tuesday 19 April 2022

Denham Town Residents Demonstrate In Front of JDF Headquaters

I received a video clip showing some persons demonstrating in front of the Jamaica Defense Force Headquarters this morning in Kinston, Jamaica. I got information from someone in the security force indicating that the residents were from Denham Town, in Kingston.

First, we need to understand that the level of crime and specifically murders, is at an intolerable level in Jamaica. Over 1000 person are being murdered annually for possible over 30 years in this little country with just under three million persons. Soldiers have to be now doing police work in an effort to deal with this challenge. Soldiers are trained to fight and kill in war. Civilians must accept the blame for the state of affairs in this country.

Too many persons are challenging the police and the soldiers physically and verbally these days.... we need to stop it! This does not give any member of the security forces though, the right to abuse civilians. 

We also need to improve our judicial system so that persons feel more confident to fight for their rights in our courts and not on out streets. 

A national leader should have advised those citizens not to take the demonstration to Up Park Camp. Actually no one should be allowed to demonstrate in that area. What would happen if there was an emergency, and JDF personnel needed to move quickly? Taking a demonstration to the JDF Headquarters, I believe is taking things a bit too far. We could have ended up with citizens and soldiers being in a major confrontation, and the outcome could have been quite different. 

Demonstrating residents


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Am wondering if he was innocent as these people said

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