Monday 7 October 2024

Truck Disappears in Massive Sinkhole on Birdsucker Drive in Kingston!


Truck in a massive pothole

The picture above shows a truck which fell into a sink hole on Birdsucker Drive in Kingston. Can you imagine the cost this will be to the owner of this truck, a cost which consumers will have to bear?

I commend those who have overseen the building of highways although many of us believe that the building of highways should not mean no way for the railway system. While the highways are being constructed, other roads continue to deteriorate and is a burden on our budget.  We need to address the maintenance of our roads. We know that funds are limited and that is why when we repair the road one should not have to go back to the same place to repair it after the first shower of rain. We need to start a national drainage system especially in the built up areas such as Kingston, Montego Bay and Mandeville. When rain falls, the water should run in the drainage system and not turn our roads into rivers. If you implement spark using old methods, Spark will not Spark (Spark is the new road improvement project.).

It is clear that the method of fixing potholes is not working. Firm leadership must now say we cannot continue like this. It cost the government more and it cost road users more for the shoddy work being passed for road maintenance.This is one major cost which adds up to the high cost of living in Jamaica.

Last night I went to the tyre repair shop on Molynes Road near Half Way Tree and it was jammed packed with motorists trying to get their tyres repaired. I assume the front end mechanics cannot find hands to do the work.

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Anonymous said...

I am wondering why the mp them not fixing the road too much bad road man all over my side it is a disgrace Mr Henriques no look back this side at all Top Alston

Anonymous said...

Was there any injury to occupant(s)?

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

No injury was reported.

Anonymous said...

I thought the truck literally disappeared and vanished into nothingness 😭

Anonymous said...

Roads will never be fix properly in this country unless it is given to qualified and experienced companies or better yet give all road fixing to the Chinese as they had an international reputation to protect these hustlers have nothing to protect as they have links .

Anonymous said...

Your headline is misleading. To disappear means out of sight. not able to be seen. Why not Truck stuck in massive road sinkhole. Words have meaning Sir Vernon.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

The reality is creative and dramatic headlines crab attention. This works the same way that blocking of roads get attention. Failure to use grabbing headlines might mean getting into the business of sus and fake news. I will not do that so I grab them with the dramatic headlines and it works beautifully. Headlines are baits and they lead you to a real story so it really does not mislead you. Boring headlines will mislead your readers to other stories such as the sus and the fake news.

Anonymous said...

This is a disgrace, we need to bring back the Public Works Department

Anonymous said...

We don't vote and when we do, we don't vote on issues - that's the problem

Anonymous said...

Highways bring out the cameras and heightens the political profile (lights! camera! action!). Compare that with the opening of a farm road in Wait -A-Bit or Lowe River where tons of yams are produced year after year. Too ordinary. The TV cameras may never reach!!
The highway "gravy train" is also bigger and longer?!

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

You should have sent me the pictures and the story about the opening of that farm road in Wait-A-Bit and it would make the headline here!

Anonymous said...

We have been talking about these types of problems for years now and it seems like no one really cares 😭. I need to ask one question, does these powers that be really cares about the interest of the their people 😔 or is it just about how much 💰 they can make in their pockets 🤔?

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