Friday 22 April 2022

What's Happening, April 22, 2022


That National Anthem

Since I posted that blog about our Jamaican flag, persons have been contacting me to say that it cannot be true that there is no official copy of the national anthem online, which citizens can feel free to download. Persons have sent me links to the lyrics, the musical score and also links to the National Anthems performed by various persons, but no one has been able to send me a link to our National Anthem which will take me to an official government web site.

 The National Flag is Missing!

So far, no one has told me where I can get the Jamaican flag with the correct colours. The colours of the Jamaican flag are black green and gold, not black green and orange, nor black green and neon.

Have you ever ask yourself who owns the rights to our flag, our National Anthem and the National Pledge for example. It seems to me that any one can use our flag to do anything!

Finally on this flag issue, someone has pointed out that normally the flag is lowered in the afternoons, because it is considered in poor taste for the sun to set on the National Flag. The person pointed out to to me that the flags are left fluttering in the wind night and day until they are tattered and worn. The state of the flags on our public and private buildings are now reflecting the state of  things?

The Killing Continues

I got a report from the Bull Bay community this afternoon, that a jerk chicken man was shot and killed at 11miles Bull Bay, in St. Andrew today. He is from 14 miles in Bull Bay.

The killings continue with no end in sight, and the nation continues to accept the state of affairs.

Menial Job!

Did I hear someone in the hierarchy of the Jamaica Teachers Association remarked that there is need for training or else persons would now have to settle for menial jobs. Did you hear that one? If anything like that was said, let me point out that no job is menial, unless it is an illegal job. I guess that scamming is a high status job because one can earn big money from it but farming is a menial job!

Lack of Qualified Persons For The Construction Industry!

There is controversy about whether or not there are enough qualified persons locally to work in the construction industry. There is no need for any controversy, because all we need to do is to advertise for these workers and we will find out if these jobs can be filled.

I understand also that the private sector is calling on the government to train persons to work in the construction industry. The question is, why the industry cannot have their own training institutions? We need less government involvement in the economy and not more.

8000 Persons Needed For Employment

I got a message from an MP which states that 8000 Jamaicans are to be employed by Royal Caribbean Cruise Line during May 2022. What! I wonder if someone added two zeros in error to 80! This is big news!


Click HERE  To Listen to Riddim FM

The studio line for Riddim FM is: 876 534-6999 and the office lines are  876 678-7134 and  876 679-2947. You might want to call them to support a new programme which will be coming on air soon. Demand for advertising and sponsorship might be in high demand for that show so make a call next week to one of the office numbers.




Anonymous said...

You are right on target again, Vernon.
The issue of our national flag is a vexing one. There's a protocol associated with the handling, carrying, raising and lowering of the flag but obviously persons who manage government buildings are totally unaware or indifferent to them. That explsins the faded and tattered flags you see "proudly" flying atop buildings!

The colours are black, green and GOLD. Not various shades of yellow.... depending on which part of china they're produced .
Btw wasn't a construction course offered at HEART/NTA in Portmore some years ago? I suggest that the Master Builders Assn get busy and partner with them.

DesireeJA said...
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DesireeJA said...
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DesireeJA said...

Good point about this overuse of the word menial - is that another way to say physical? Because any other definition is a matter of perception (or misperception) only - like house vs field. Many hands-on jobs can pay well if there is high demand for the (quality) goods or service involved. A good housekeeper can make $6000+ a day, doing better than many office jobs - but unlike the common perception out there this is skilled work. Those self-employed can set their own rates but must also carry their own expenses for pension, NHT and fund their own vacation or sick time. So the idea of having one's own business as better than being employed is also a matter of perception. Having one's own business, and many office jobs as well with high accountability, have no true cut off and have one working into the nights and through the weekends, and worrying in between. There is also a perception of physical work being dangerous but there is a pandemic of health care problems facing persons who sit all day including back and neck pain, heart attack and stroke. Not to mention spending one's whole salary to maintain a car that you only drive to and from work. All a matter of perception/image.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Interesting points.

Anonymous said...

Veron u look great in the beach group ur friends then love you you look like young boy amoun the kids u looking better from you leave from besides your u no wi me mean stay safe ur friend Joyce Florida 💙🔵 uh

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