Tuesday 17 May 2022

Dr. Winsome Christie - President of The Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica


Dr. Winsome Christie

Lupus is an autoimmune disease which is caused when the immune system of the body attacks itself resulting in internal organ damage (if untreated/corrected) or even death. The disease is associated with a lot of inflammation and causes symptoms such as fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, aches and pains, swollen glands, mouth sores, depression, seizures and many more symptoms. As can be seen from this extensive list of symptoms, there is a high likelihood that the illness may be misdiagnosed for years and when the patient is discovered there may be extreme internal damage especially to the kidneys.

This illness may affect the skin only (Discoid lupus) but is very detrimental when it is generalized to the whole body system (systemic lupus erythematosus) (Lexicomp n.d.).

Many of the medications used to treat this illness however especially for the pediatric (children) population may be unpleasant and may need reformulation to a more palatable form and more pleasant tasting. A caution here though, the pharmacist must be involved in this process to assist, as not all medicines can be readily crushed and added to a drink. Most of the liquid forms of these medications need to be re-made from the injectable forms of the drugs(Christie 2021). 

The treatment for adults is similar to those used to treat children however the challenges for managing the treatment of children includes and may not be limited to:


Challenges(Christie 2021)

Frustration with the length of time it takes to make diagnosis

Monitoring  the compliance of the child especially the frequent office visits and sometimes large numbers of tablets to be taken as well as the side-effects which may be encountered.

The Stress surrounding the schedules that must be maintained for the office visits and laboratory tests, the frequent debilitating flare-ups of the illness, resulting in frequent absences from school and limited participation in some activities especially physical education classes. There is a huge financial burden that may be imposed on the family because of the frequent tests which may have to be funded out of pocket if not available from the public health system.


Covid-19 Pandemic (CDC,2021)

Earlier during the Covid-19 pandemic there were concerns about the immune status of the children to adolescent age group and the increased risk to contract the Covid-19 virus infection. This was due to the fact that this age group were not allowed to receive the Covid-19 vaccine immediately as the pandemic was raging, but there was a lag time for Governments to receive authorization for the 12 and above age group to receive the Covid-19 vaccines.


Other Challenges(Christie 2021)


The Stay-at-Home Online class activity – reduced activity resulted in depression for parents as well as the children. (Depression incidentally was common for other groups too)


Transitioning to adulthood(Christie 2021)


The illness can prove very challenging as

·   Adolescents believe they are invincible, so this illness causes depression when the reality hits that they are now limited in their activities.

·   In Jamaica changing of primary care physician and specialists from the Children Facilities to adult can also prove problematic as the patients relate.

·  Changing from status of high school to college to secular employment is also a challenge for these persons.

·  Change of insurance coverage for the age group

·  Balancing adult responsibilities and demands of managing a chronic illness

·  Family relationship changes, especially pregnancy.These are all challenges faced by persons living with Lupus, hence the need to network and join organisations like the Lupus Foundation Jamaica which offers support, education and more, for those living with Lupus.

 I’m a member Join them today!!!!!!!


Lupus Foundation of Jamaica


876 754-8458


Note: Dr. Christie is the  President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica and she is also owner of Sunshine Pharmacy located at 7 Bryans Crescent, in May Pen 

Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica

41 Lady Musgrave Road

876 978 4199




 CDC (2021) CDC Director Statement on Pfizer’s Use of COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents Age 12 and Older. Retrieved May 15th 2022 from https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/s0512-advisory-committee-signing.html

Christie, W. (2021). Practical Therapeutics and Promoting Adherence in Children and  Adolsecents
Living with Lupus. Lupus Foundation of Jamaica Annual Symposium, Virtual.

Lexicomp.Discoid Lupus Retrieved May 15 2022, From


Lupus Foundation of Jamaica(n.d.)What is Lupus Retrieved May 15, 2022, From



Lexicomp. Lupus Treatment.(n.d.) Retrieved May 15 2022 from https://online.lexi.com/lc Lupus Treatment


 Lupus Treatment: Medications and Alternative Treatments (webmd.com)(2020)Retrieved May 15, 2022 From https://www.webmd.com/lupus/arthritis-lupus



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