Tuesday 24 May 2022

Is KSAMC Toothless To Deal With This Construction!

I received a report about someone who has extended their building  on to the wall which divides two neighbours' properties. This is in Meadowbrook, in Kingston. My understanding of the matter is that a report was made to the KSAMC, but the owner who is expanding his house too close to the wall, apparently knows that it is a waste of time making a report to the KSAMC. There is a stop order I understand but the work continues. 

The way in which the current construction is taking place, the rain water from the roof being constructed will be flowing onto the neighbour's property. 

The big question is, the KSAMC could not have approved that building. If it was not approved what further action will be taken.  Is the KSAC pure bark and no teeth?

These are the things which cause neighbours to run into conflict with one another. Time will tell, time will tell. Let us watch this one closely.

Construction taking place in Meadowbrook - Illegal?

Construction on the boundary - Illegal?

Click here to listen to voice mail from England form someone
 who visited Meadowbrook and saw the construction in progress.

Note: If no decisive action is not taken to resolve this matter, then persons will believe that this is another case of palm greasing.


Anonymous said...

Wie thats creazy omg only in jamaica

Anonymous said...

Wow omg only in jamaica people can get Awayi with this

Anonymous said...

The word is love. Therefore, anything will do. Jamaica is PNP country.

Anonymous said...

People do what they to do in this country there is nothing name law here.just look how the taxi and the mimi bus behave on the road,if you not careful they run you off the road. They drive on the side walk, the loud music, the driver wear any thing they park at the stop lights.them have garage all over,park and blocked other person gate.boy it bad

Anonymous said...

I have a similar experience in Acadia kingston . Ineed help.

Anonymous said...

Only the poor the Jamaican laws have teeth on the rich and the privilege have no regards for the law as they have who to back them. Mr Desmond M'cKenzie is just running his mouth again, but has no control of what he is saying. Desmond will have to start showing what he is paid for. Pure showoff talk with no teeth. But we are watching again.

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