Saturday 28 May 2022

Naive Bishop Must Stick To Religion!

Bishop Bailey and Min. Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn

I just read this article online published last year on Loop News. It is reported in the article that religious leader Bishop Bailey had called on the PM to rein in Minister Cuthbert-Flynn for supporting abortion. Many of us do not support abortion Bishop Bailey, but we have a democratic country and not a dictatorship. The Prime Minister should rein in a MP for wanting to change laws. Her power to speak on issues comes from the people who elected her. 

Bishop you clearly need to take sometime out to understand politics or I would suggest that you stick to religion.

Clearly you are a man of God and not a man of politics and therefore you are as naïve as a new born baby.

Click HERE to see the article.


Micspen said...

You are on point a straight apolitical suggestion or a religiously tainted dictatorship is a nightmare.Look at Sharia law in Islam then you know how deadly religion can be.
Which is worse, I'd rather go with Ms Cuthbert's aporoach trying to use the democratic processes to change a law.
No religious decree round here Bishop.

Anonymous said...

The bishop can say what he thinks thats not the churches portfolder thats between the woman & her partner

Anonymous said...

Greetings. I support abortion in that if it's illegal, people will use crazy methods to abort. This may affect their womanhood, stress on their lives and the medical system. My thoughts. Blessings

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jamaica is a democratic country. Which means not that anything goes but that the people have a right to vote for or against abortion. The government has no right to push something on the public unless it can be proven to be in the best interest of the society.
What type of society do we want? How does abortion fit into that big picture? What message are we sending? Killing our future citizens so women can feel as if they have a right over their bodies. My body, my choice. Does that slogan make sense?
It's the government's job to do what is in the best interest of the citizens, not just the present ones but the future citizens as well. Technically abortion is murder. Is it ok to murder an unborn child? Some will say it is not yet a child, but guess what? If left alone that is what it will become. You are still murdering a human being. The government has the task of protecting all citizens, including the unborn.
What about my body, my choice? These people are adults, come on, be responsible. You have sex and get pregnant and decide you don't want a baby. The primary purpose of sex is for procreation. What about the victims of rape? While that is very unfortunate, that does not justify an abortion. Rape victims are scarred by their experiences and adding murder makes you no better than the rapist. You are now harming someone who did you no harm. Give birth to the child and give him/her up for adoption. Why don't they enact laws that will see rapists getting more years in prison or castrated in order to reduce its prevalence and decrease the possibility of having a pregnant victim at the end of the ordeal?
Then we have people who will say, if we do not provide safe avenues for abortion then people will resort to unsafe abortions. Well, guess what? What about those on meth? Those who use other unsafe remedies for illnesses etc. We cannot stop them, we can only educate them about the dangers of taking that route. How common is abortion in Jamaica?
The reverend took on the topic from a moral perspective because it is a moral issue. I did not see the original article but I can see where he is coming from. Jamaica under no circumstance should make abortion legal. Yes, we can not stop people from doing it but at the same time we can not support it and encourage others by legalizing it. A baby is gunned down and we are outraged, but yet a fetus is murdered in the most gruesome way, and it is the mother's choice because it is her body. Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E-S?
A country like Jamaica with a high murder rate, should not be going down this road. We are encouraging murder. If the government does not respect the life of an innocent unborn child, why should murders respect the lives of our citizens? Is it because they are fully developed humans who may have done something wrong and are not so innocent?

Anonymous said...

That's is true he needs to stick to religion and stay out of politics politics and make the government decide the law of the island.

Anonymous said...

No to abortion i dont support it that is murder a innocent life if you dont want a child protect it from happening dont get pregnant then kill it so sad because is your body you do want you want that selfishness

jamaicalifemedia said...

I support abortion in the following cases.
1 Pregnancy as a result of incest.
2. Pregnancy resulting from rape, if the woman thinks that is right for her.
3. Pregnancy that endangers a mother's life, and that an abortion will save the mother's life.

Megatony said...

Vernon, you are right on point. Many of my brothers and sisters don't understand that the bible has to be interpreted not for 2000 years ago, but for today. They see everything in black and white

Blakeandrew said...

We do live in a country where persons can voice thier the bishop can as well.

Anonymous said...

"Supreme Court to take up Mississippi challenge to Roe v. Wade
The case is the most important showdown over abortion rights in decades, presenting a direct challenge to the 1973 landmark ruling." Jamaica will again be talking about abortion. Broadcasters can be irresponsible as they chose but public servant have a fiduciary responsibility and moral obligation to accurately represent their constituency. I do hope you understand the language.

Anonymous said...

People are free to express their opinions but when a bishop calls on the PM to rein in a MP, that is clear that he does not understand the legal and political system and he is advocating for something which is wrong. An MP should not be a puppet nor the mouth piece for the PM. The PM was not elected by the people to be PM for the country.

Anonymous said...

It's sooo distressing that women do not have the right to decide for all what's happening to their bodies!!!! In a country where school girls are lured to sell their body to sugar daddies for lunch money...and rape goes on even within the families! Men shall have NO SAY IN THIS MATTER!!!!

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