Tuesday 31 May 2022

Opposition Spokesman on Health & Wellness - RE-INTRODUCE THE MASK-WEARING MANDATE

Press release from Dr. Morais Guy:

Dr. Morais Guy
Opposition Spokesman on Health & Wellness

Kingston, Jamaica. May 31, 2022: The Shadow Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr Morais Guy, M.P., again urges Prime Minister Andrew Holness to re-introduce the mask-wearing mandate for enclosed areas, public spaces, and transportation to mitigate the current fifth wave of the Omicron BA-2 variant of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In a statement issued today, Dr Guy said he felt compelled to renew his call because it had been more than a week since the Prime Minister promised to address the matter in light of the increase in cases and an upswing in the positivity rate, which according to the data released by the Ministry of Health yesterday stands now at over 35%.

Dr Guy said that despite the high numbers revealed in the latest report, the country is still in the fifth wave of the outbreak and the peak period is yet to come. He said with the activities of the past weekend, there is no escaping seeing higher numbers until we put measures to stem the outbreak.

“It is time to arrest the transmission by re-introducing measures such as mask-wearing, which does not impede movement or impose any degree of infringement on people’s rights,” Guy stated.

He pointed to the Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY) announcement to re-introduce mask-wearing in the classroom and school environment as a sensible move that must now be expanded throughout society.

In the meantime, Dr Guy is appealing to businesses, institutions and organisations, and the general public to maintain mask-wearing to mitigate the current spread of the virus.

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