Wednesday 4 May 2022

Riddim FM Is Spot On With SpotOn!

Riddim FM broadcasting on the FM band at 102.1, 102.3, 102.5, 102.7, 102.9 can be described as being SpotOn with their new show called SpotOn which comes on from 10:00 am to 12:45 pm from Monday to Friday. Host is Vernon Derby.

SpontOn was SpotOn on Monday, May 2, 2022 when it hit the airways with some guests who you will never forget. It was an unforgettable show with guests such as The Most Hon. Juliet Holness who is known for speaking out when things do not seem right. We had MP Fitz Jackson who has been fighting for consumers. Frankie Campbell, Fab 5 Manager and Chairman for JAVAA made sure he was there to speak up for musicians. Finally there was Dolsie Allen who heads an organization which has put up a good fight for consumers over the years.

Tomorrow SpotOn will be SpotOn when we will be taking your calls about matters of national and community concerns. You might even want to take on international matters. You can call the programme using WhatsApp.  Our guests on Travel Talk will be experienced immigration lawyer Opal Lee and experienced immigration consultant Nadine Mahabeer. They will give you information about travelling to the USA and to Canada.

After Travel Talk I will have MP Phillip Paulwell who will be my first guest on Constituency Matters. He will be talking about his constituency and the plans for that constituency. Give your MP a call tomorrow.

Nadine Mahabeer -  Canadian Immigration Consultant

Opal Lee - US Immigration Lawyer

Phillip Paulwell - MP (East Kingston)


Support 'SpotOn' The Peoples Programme.

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Click HERE  To Listen to Riddim FM

The studio line for Riddim FM is: 876 534-6999 and the office lines are  876 678-7134 and  876 679-2947. They are on the FM band 102.1, 102.3, 102.5, 102.7, and 102.9. Demand for advertising and sponsorship might be in high demand for the show so make a call soon to one of the office numbers. Riddim FM.


DesireeJA said...

Wonderful! I have been so enjoying the programme already - looking forward!

Micspen said...

Gwaan Derby Developmental Radio Spot on and on the Move is Crystal Clear.

Anonymous said...

All the best

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I know you will shine...can't keep a good man down....

Nzingha said...

pgm sounds interesting Vernon

Anonymous said...

I will be listening. All the best.

Anonymous said...

So far, the programme is very interesting and spot on Vernon

Concerned citizen said...

We encourage you Mr derby to cast out corruption and promote transparency, justice and equality to our nation

Anonymous said...

SpotOn Vernon. Can't keep a good man down. The world is your Oyster.

Marvelous Marven said...

SpotOn is really SpotOn Mr D

Anonymous said...

Back even stronger Mr Derby..🙏🙏

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