Saturday 7 May 2022

Women Even With Babies In Hand Take On Soldiers.

Many Jamaicans are shocked at the behaviour of some citizens to the members of the security forces and specifically the army. Persons need to understand that the members of the army are trained to kill and attacking members of the army especially with bare hands is suicidal. I was shocked when I saw the video which showed these unruly citizens taking on members of the Jamaica Defense Force. They are lucky to be alive. The following message was sent to me from one of my listeners:

"Good morning Vernon, I am so disturbed about the emerging trend of people provoking and verbally abusing members of the military. This has to stop. These unruly and disrespectful citizens need to be told in no uncertain manner that they can't continue to use the "poor people" card to get away with slackness. I would never encourage my son or any of my family members to join the army or the police force."

What I find even more shocking is these women taking on the soldiers with their babies in hand and these babies are learning first hand how not to repece soldiers.

The state cannot allow persons to disrespect members of the security forces like that. It should be considered a very serious offence for any citizen to be disrespected to those who are there to protect the state. Such persons should be given at least one year of extremely hard work under the supervision of members of the security forces. This work should be done in their communities. The state needs to make an example of these hooligans.



Anonymous said...

A hope they don't charge the solder why when police are soldiers go in these community the people want to attack for doing there duty

Anonymous said...

The soldiers were right. Some of these people needs to be disciplined.

Anonymous said...

Need sorry the phone is running away

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