Tuesday 7 June 2022

Electronic Transmission of Prescriptions Lawful? Pharmacists’ Perception

Dr. Winsome Christie
President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica


The Dr. The Honorable Christopher Tufton has stated in a press release (June 3rd  2022) based on Counsel with the Attorney  General’s Chambers (AGC) says that “the transmission of prescriptions for drugs through the electronic means is permissible.”

This had lead potential providers of this service in the industry to remark “GO TIME” for this type of service.

The Minister however made a statement in his release that is very poignant.

“The Minister is inviting the Pharmacy Council to make recommendations for additional regulations on electronic prescriptions where it deems this necessary”

So as President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica I would like to remind industry partners and other concerned parties that the Pharmacy Council governs the practice of Pharmacy in Jamaica guided by the Pharmacy Act and Regulations.

The Act makes no reference to E prescribing, does it define it, (No) so can this be practiced?

The infrastructure needs to be established:

There is no established Model under which this service will be carried out which will protect the right of the patient to choose which pharmacy they wish to patronize, also to ensure that the patient’s privacy is protected, that the right legal persons access the prescription etc.

There are many regulations put forward by the Pharmacy Council awaiting approval including ones which concern the provision of E Prescribing functions but like a jigsaw puzzle everything has to fall into place perfectly. So, we Pharmacists await the approval of the many suggested regulations put forward by the Council to be approved by Dr. The Honorable Minister Tufton and his team so that this forward moving service along with others can be realized much to the approval of the Jamaican Pharmacists all concerned.

Dr. Winsome Christie

President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That s so true hope those plan will comefall through

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